Principal's Message

Our children are our future...

Principal's Message

Welcome to the start of Week 3 of Term 2. We held our first whole school assembly on Friday and the students are really becoming excellent audience members. At SMPS, we use every experience as a learning opportunity and assembly is no different. We actively celebrate our values of Character, Community and Learning by 'noticing the students doing something right.' 


Our children are well trained in showing respect to the speakers and applauding appropriately. They move around the assembly using correct body language (eyes forward, shoulders square, eye contact, using 'please' and 'thank you'). These skills are actively practised should students be called to the front to receive certificates. The definition of learning is articulated as "working hard to get smarter." This should apply to each learner regardless of their skill level in a particular area. We are all on a journey of improvement and working hard to improve is a learning value worth pursuing. 


I am extremely proud of the students in their efforts to be the best audience they can be. I am proud of the staff for assisting the students during these times. Our next whole school assembly is on Friday, June 2 and parents are welcome to attend (it usually starts at around 2:40pm). 

Celebration of Learning

I sent out a Compass Newsfeed last week requesting some support for our Celebration of Learning Celebration Day which occurs on Wednesday, May 17 from 2:30pm-5:00pm. This day includes a Community BBQ and Games session which follows the conclusion of the school day. Please refer to the Newsfeed to respond to the help request - but please also pencil the date into your diaries so you can turn up at 2:30pm to see classes in action. Last year's day was extremely successful and the crowd was huge. Please support your child and our school by doing your best to attend (and to help if you can).

New Safety Bollard

The dodgy photo below shows a far-too-relaxed principal leaning against the new safety bollard which was erected recently. This bollard provides a 'safety step' for anyone exiting the building along the Ferrars Street side. It is designed so pedestrians/commuters on wheeled devices do not collide. I want to thank the efforts of our School Council for this action as they wrote to City of Port Phillip requesting a response. Kudos to CoPP for responding positively as well. We are grateful for this safety feature.


Shade Sails (and your Parent Payments)

We have new shade sails erected outside the Art Room. It provides protection for students on sunny days. Money that you donate via your contribution to the Building Fund went directly to this project. We are incredibly grateful for your donations and assure you that each dollar goes to the children. Please keep supporting our Parent Contributions as they make the difference between our school being funding in the "OK" range to us being able to deliver all the things we want for our precious children.  Paying your fees means a lot.

Final Message

I hope you never get sick of my saying how grateful I am for your children. Or for you. Or for the wonderful staff we have selected to care for the students. SMPS is truly a great place to be - and we are getting better. I spent time with each Year Level Team this week running through the student learning data from Term 1. We are a high-performing school. The numbers clearly show this to be true. And it is the combined effort of the school and the families that make this so.


Keep supporting our school by 'talking it up' around the BBQ's you have, your dinner tables, the chats you have with families and friends. Spread the good news about our children. They, and the staff, are REALLY worth celebrating. In times where social media tends to tear down sandcastles - let's be the one who builds and not destroys.