Upcoming Dates & Events


Term 1:  1st Feb to 6 April 


Term 2:  24 April to 23 June


Term 3:  10 July to 15 September


Term 4:  2 October to 15 December


Important Information for 2023

Maths Assessment Interviews ~ Friday 10th March 2023


As part of our commitment to providing the best education we can at St Mel’s, all students will participate in a Mathematics Assessment Interview (MAI) at the beginning of 2023.   In order to complete the MAI, 

Friday 3rd 2023 and Friday 10th March 2023 will be dedicated closure days.

All students will be expected to attend a session on one of these days. 


Please note:  Friday 3rd March  and Friday 10th March  are not extra closure days.  They are part of our allocated pupil free days we use for staff professional development.


MAI Procedure

The MAI is a hands-on assessment, completed between the teacher and individual student, and should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Parents will be invited to stay and have a cuppa in the school lounge during this time, or will be welcome to leave their child/children here and pick them up after their session. 


An online interview schedule will be set up using Sign Up. Families will be required to book a spot from 3rd February. An email reminder will be sent towards the end of the holidays to remind families of their allocated time and day, so it is really important to include your email address when you sign up. 


Why complete assessments at the beginning the year?

Many schools have adopted a similar approach using assessment days at the beginning of the school year.  Feedback and research highlights several factors: 

  • It gives students the opportunity to work one on one with their teachers building rapport and trust.
  • It allows teachers to get to know student competencies and areas for potential improvement in all key areas of the mathematics curriculum.   
  • It helps teachers to immediately plan lessons and programs suited to individual needs. 
  • It eliminates ‘lag time’; time it takes to complete individual assessments. These can take up to 8-10 weeks for teachers to complete assessments on all students in a class of 24 students.   


I have provided a fact sheet summarising other key elements of the MAI assessment to highlight its potential to ensure we are giving all students the best opportunities to become better mathematical learners.  Further information can be found on: https://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/teachers/teachingresources/discipline/maths/assessment/Pages/mathsgrowthpoints.aspx


Please don’t hesitate to contact the school if further information is required.  Thank you for your continued support of our school and of your child’s education.



Math’s Assessment Interview ~ Summary


Background (the Early Numeracy Research Project)

The Mathematics Assessment Interview (MAI) was developed as part of the Early Numeracy Research Project (1999-2001). The interview consists of hands-on assessment tasks where students demonstrate Mathematical understanding and preferred strategies for solving increasingly complex tasks.


  • It is a one to one interview held with each child, with the aim of finding out where their Maths learning is at, in the form of ‘growth points’.
  • Growth points are the key stages of a child’s mathematical understanding. 
  • MAI is based on sound research. 



  • MAI gives growth points under different areas. At our school we complete the four areas of number -counting, place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • In contrast to the traditional pen and paper test, a carefully-constructed one to one interview can provide greater insights into what children know and can do. Children’s strategies are recorded in detail on the interview record sheet. 
  • Provides our school with excellent summative data which helps track student progress. 
  • As teachers, we value the MAI as it helps us get to know our learners and where to move to next in their learning

Dates / Events 

  • Please note: some school events TBC & subject to change


26th First Sunday of Lent 

27th - Parent/Teacher/Student conversations

28th - Parent/Teacher/Student conversations



2nd Prep Rest Day

3rd March MAI Testing Day 

3rd World Day of Prayer

3rd MAI testing day

10th MAI testing day

13th Labour Day Holiday

14th School Photo Day

15th Preps at School on Wednesdays from now on

15th – 27th Naplan sitting dates 

21st Harmony Day

24th Sandhurst Switches Off

28th School Council Meeting


6th End of Term 1

7th Good Friday

8th Easter Saturday

9th Easter Sunday

24th Start of Term 2

25th Anzac Day Holiday

28th Colour Fun Run 

30th Catholic Education Week Sandhurst begins


1st- Register for Write a book in a day comp??

1st -  5th Catholic Education Week - Sandhurst

3rd May Interschool Cross Country 

5th World Labyrinth Day in Schools 

6th World Labyrinth Day 

9th School Council Meeting

11th Mother’s Day Stall

12th Mother’s Day High Tea

14th Mother’s Day

19th District Sports 

22nd - 26th School Swimming Program Aquamoves

22nd - 26th Catholic Education Week

24th School Open Day

26th National Sorry Day

27th May - 3rd June National Reconciliation Week

28th Pentecost Sunday ~ Sacraments of First Eucharist & Confirmation 


2nd Reconciliation Mass

9th Pupil Free Day ~(TBC)

12th Kings Birthday Holiday 

14th Festival of the Sacred

16th Feast of the Sacred Heart ~ School Mass

19th - 23rd Refugee Week 

20th School Council Meeting

22nd Reports Home

23rd ~ End of Term 2 


2nd - 8th NAIDOC WEEK

10th Start Term 3

17th & 18th Parent / teacher conversations

25th School Council Meeting

26th Feast of St Anne


1st - Principal Reading Challenge

th School Council Meeting 

19nd -25th Book Week ~ Read, Grow, Inspire 

31st   Father’s Day Stall


1st World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 

1st Big Blokes Breakfast 

3rd  Fathers day

5th School Council Meeting

8th School Aths Day 

15th Term 3 Ends / Footy Colours Day 

AFL Grand Final Day


2nd Start Term 4 

3rd Year 6 District Athletics

4th Year 5 District Athletics

5th Year 4 District Athletics

6th Year 3 District Athletics

9 - 11th ~ Upper Years Camp

17th School Council Meeting

20th School Fun Fair 


2nd November Grade1/2 Sleepover

6th Report Writing Day ~ pupil free

7st Melbourne Cup

Prep Transition Day

11th Remembrance Day

Prep Transition Day

Prep Transition Day

Prep Transition Day

28th School Council Meeting

29th Prep Information Night 


1st Staff Planning Day ~ pupil free

4th Year 6 Reflection Day & Year 5 Leadership Day 

12th Statewide Transition Day (TBC)

12th Reports Home

12th End of year Graduation Mass (TBC)

13th Aquamoves Fun day

14th Last Day for Students 

15th Staff Reflection day ~ no students



Students commence school ~ Tuesday 30th Jan 2024