Community News

School Photos
Our school photo day was Monday 6th March. All students present were brought to have their photos taken. If your young person was absent for photo day there is a make up day on Monday 20th March.
If you have yet to place your order for photos you still have plenty of time to do this. Orders placed before April 3rd will ensure free school delivery. Orders placed after this time will incur a delivery fee.
Each student received a personalised envelope with ordering instructions and unique codes. If you have not received yours, or have misplaced it, please contact Tori at the office who can assist. The link below will take you to the online ordering portal. You will need to create a log in to get access to online ordering.
If you had requested sibling photos, Tori will be in touch in the coming week to assist in the ordering process with you. If you wanted a sibling photo but forgot to ask, please get in touch before make up day to organise this.
Please read the below red form regarding Camps, Sport and Excursions Funding (CSEF). If you feel you are eligible, please complete the blue forms and return to the office. Alternatively, copies of this can be collected from the school.
Families who have received CSEF funding in the past are automatically rolled over each year. If you are unsure of whether you receive funding, or would like to apply for it please contact Tori at the office.
A message from Victoria Police