Brooke's Message

Tuesday 7th March

Dear Parents/Carers


Where does the time go?


We have sailed past the halfway point of Term 1 and what a wonderful Term 1 it has been!  Your young people are engaged, happy and making new friends enjoying being back in their school routines. 


As they settle into their new classes I am lifted that there is such enthusiasm for the programs that our teachers and support staff have worked so hard to create.  It is always at the centre of what we do to ensure that our students find their school experience positive and rewarding.


I am also delighted to confirm that we have signed off on some very exciting excursions that are taking place over the coming weeks as well as upcoming camps at Blackwood. I look forward to sharing photos with you very soon.

Pedestrian – Student Drop off and Pick up

We would ask that if you are walking your young person into school that you only use Gate 3.  We have had too many near misses with pedestrians weaving between buses and cars in the bus loop that we have made the decision to eliminate this cause for concern. 


To clarify, if you are walking onto school grounds or leaving at the end of the day, please only use Gate 3.

Vehicle – Student Drop off and Pick Up

For those parents that drop off and pick up their children by car, please can I remind you that when waiting in the bus loop that your engines should be turned off and should not be turned on again until the whistle has blown.


Please remember not to line up and double park outside Gate 1. We understand that at times this is frustrating, and you may have to do a loop – this is why we ask that parents and carers do not arrive before 8.55 a.m. 


Police have been present and parents have been fined for double parking.  If you miss the school bus please drop your child off through the loop in Gate 1 after 9.00 a.m.


If you need to communicate with your child’s teacher, please use student diaries, email or Seesaw.  Please do not use student drop off or pick up, to pass on messages as often they do not reach the intended recipient.



Brooke Briody