Clean Up Australia Excursion

On Wednesday afternoon (March 1), students from Gimmel, Dalet and Hey participated in a Clean-Up Australia Day event. 


Clean Up Australia is an annual event - held in the first week of March. They inspire and empower communities to clean up, fix up and conserve the environment. 


A big thank you to all the students/teachers that participated, and to Mr. Faoa for driving the bus and joining in!


Here is a comment from Miss Rachel Jasper: 


"It was great to see over 20 large bags of rubbish collected from around the Henshilwood Oval by Gimmel, Dalet and Hey classes. Many unusual items were found, too, including poker chips and a partial $50 note!


The weather was perfect and it felt great to drive out at the end of the clean-up and see the sparkling ovals and surrounds. Great job to all and a special thank-you to Mrs. Adele for meeting us back at school with ice-blocks!"