Farewell Mrs Vesdrevanis 

From the students of DPS

The students at DPS have loved having Mrs Vesdrevanis 

as their Principal in 2022 and for part of 2023.


Here are some things the students wanted Mrs Vesdrevanis to know before she left for her next adventure at Donvale Primary School.


"It will be sad to not see Mrs Vesdrevanis at our virtual assemblies on Monday mornings and I will miss her cheerful voice whenever I see her." Ranvir 6M 


"Thank you Mrs Vesdrevanis for always showing us kindness and making our school more beautiful and a wonderful place to learn." Eason 6M 


"I will miss her calming voice during assembly." Janelle 5C


"I will miss the nice way she treats students at DPS." Florence 5C


"Mrs Vesdrevanis is always calm. She used to read books to our class in Year 4 and she asked good questions. Some advice I have for Mrs Vesdrevanis at her new school is to believe in herself and be confident." Nika 6J


"Mrs Vesdrevanis was very caring for our school students and was always nice. I remember she used to teach prep. She is determined, gave students chances and was the approachable principal." Ryan 6J 


“Good luck in your new school. You are a kind teacher, and I will miss seeing you at assemblies and at the school gate.”  Aydin 4WB


“Mrs Vesdrevanis, you were the best principal ever and I will miss you so much. You were there from the start I came to this school.” Shahzad 4WB


“You were a very good principal.” Chris  4WB


“I wish you the best at your new school.” Alisha  4WB


“You made every day happy in your class.”  Cindy  4WB


“You made us feel happy at assembly and whenever we saw you.” Naherica 4WB


“You’re a good vice principal, but an even better principal.” Nathan  4WB


“Good luck at your new school.”  Daniel  4WB


“You were a very good principal, please don’t go.” Yuna 4WB