Assistant Principal's Report

Miss Carly Epskamp

It has been a very busy fortnight at DPS, we’ve had so many special events and occasions.


Halogen Leadership Conference

Last Monday, the School Captains attended the Halogen Young Leaders Conference at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre with Mrs Milanese. There they were joined by other leaders from around Victoria and had the opportunity to interact with leaders and motivational speakers. You can read more about their day in the Captains Corner section of the newsletter. 


Choir Performance

Last week, the DPS choir showcased their talents at Westfield and at the Doncaster Kinder. It was their first public performance in 2023 and they sang beautifully to an appreciative audience. A huge thank you to Mrs Coumaros for organising the event. Next term the choir will publicly perform again and we look forward to that special event.


Fathering Project

Last Thursday evening, we held our first Fathering Project Event for 2023, pizza and planes. The night was a huge success with over 300 people attending. A huge thank you to the DPS Fathering Project Committee for organising the fabulous event - Kelvin Wong, Sandro Peluso, Vito Monitto, Kumar Chandran and DPS staff member Kathey Coumaros. We also had one of our School Captains Isaac Peluso introduce the event with a wonderful Welcome to Country, well done Isaac.

We had two very important sponsors, Vic Prop and Myhealth Medical Centre in Doncaster. We sincerely thank them for their generous donations and contributions. You made the evening very special for our families. 



Easter Raffle

Last Friday the JSC drew the Easter Raffle and we had many happy winners who claimed some great prizes. Congratulations to the winners of the raffle and thank you very much to Miss Larsen and the JSC for a very successful Easter Raffle this year. 


Easter Bonnet Parade

The students had an amazing time this morning at the Easter Bonnet Parade. Well done to the students who made their Easter Bonnets at school during class time. They looked AMAZING! A huge thank you to Miss Spiteri for organising this event.


Well done Preps

Our Prep students have almost completed their first term of schooling and we could not be more proud. Congratulations to our 57 Prep students and their teachers Mrs Meilak, Miss Powell and Miss Miss White. 


Level Six Camp

Wishing our Level Six Campers a terrific time in Canberra. They leave for Canberra on Monday 24th April, the first day of Term Two. We are sure you will have a fabulous time touring around and seeing the sights and landmarks. Have fun teachers and campers!  


Farewell Mrs Vesdrevanis 

As we approach the end of Term One, we say goodbye to Mrs Vesdrevanis who will commence her Acting Principal role at Donvale Primary School beginning in Term Two. We wish Mrs Vesdrevanis all the best in this role and we are sure she’ll do an amazing job. Mrs Vesdrevanis, thank you for everything you have done for DPS in the 23 years you have been here. You have been a wonderful role model, teacher, leader and Principal and we will really miss you. 


I hope you enjoy a restful and relaxing Easter holiday break. I look forward to another great Term at DPS.