Principal's Report

Mrs Larissa Vesdrevanis


Dear DPS students, families and teachers, 


DPS will always hold a very special place in my heart as it it was my first school when I moved to Australia from Canada 23 years ago. I can remember looking out and noticing the beautiful view from our school oval and thinking how lucky I was to work in such beautiful surroundings. Over the years I have heard people comment on the welcoming and joyous atmosphere of our school which translates to happy and engaged students. This is a credit to the teachers and wider community. I have often said that a school is a beacon in the community and DPS has been shining brightly for the past 157 years.  DPS has a proud history that provides a strong foundation for the school’s philosophy of Aiming High and Educational Excellence.  We seek to educate the ‘whole child’ and our commitment to creating a positive learning culture is apparent in everything we do.  


I am so grateful for the privilege of being your principal for 2022 and this term.  I have grown in my leadership so much so that I am compelled to continue the work and take on a new challenge.  


Firstly, I would like to thank the amazing student of DPS. You are the life of the school and the purpose of our work. Over the past few days, I have been taken aback by the genuine care the children have shown me.  Their honest wisdom and kind words will stay with me forever. 


I would like to thank School Council for their support as well as all the teachers and ES at DPS.  I am in awe of their dedication, care and professionalism. To my team Carly Epskamp, Natalie Pike and Rebecca Rolfe in the office. I wholeheartedly thank you for your professionalism and support. Together we made every day count for the students and community.  


I would also like to thank Jim Hill our substantive principal for developing my leadership and for his mentorship throughout the years. I know that Jim is looking forward to returning to his role at DPS. 


Leadership is all about building relationships and galvanising a community in the pursuit of shared goals.  I have loved the collaborative nature of the work and the unique opportunity to shape the learning culture of a school to cultivate a positive and high performing learning environment for students. Strong professional relationships underpinned by our school values of Determination, Pride and Success will ensure that DPS will continue to serve our students so that they thrive in their lives for years to come. 


I wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday. Take care of yourselves and best wishes for the future!


Warmest regards, 

Larissa Vesdrevanis