Student Recognition Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received a recogition award

Prep MSophiefor learning all your letters and sounds and trying so hard with your writing. Your work is always so neat and your drawings are brilliant!
Prep MLillyfor your brilliant handwriting this week. Your letter formation is amazing!
Prep PDylanfor his improved effort when completing tricky tasks. Well done trying your hardest Dylan!
Prep PHanafor always working beautifully at your table and listening carefully to instructions. You are a superstar Hana!
Prep WMadifor showing a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom. Keep it up Madi!
Prep WJacksonfor showing commitment to doing his best everyday. Keep it up Jackson!
1GNickfor approaching all tasks with a positive attitude and working hard to improve his skills. Well done Nick! Keep aiming high!
1GElliefor consistently working hard to achieve her very best and using all class time wisely. Well done Ellie. Keep up the wonderful effort!
1LEthanfor his hard work and persistence when learning his spelling words each week. You have improved so much. Well done Ethan!
1LRyofor improvement in his ability to focus during class time. Ryo works very well to ensure he completes all his work to the best of his ability. Well done Ryo!
1SJacobfor trying your very best when writing. I am proud of you being persistent in sounding out the letters in the words. Keep it up! 
1SIrenefor showing your great mathematical knowledge during our last few weeks of place value. I am very proud of you! 
3BLucasfor following classroom instructions so well and completing class work in time. I am so impressed by your growth this term Lucas!
3BMayafor an amazing Term 1 at your new school! Maya, I am so impressed by how quickly you have settled in, made new friends and the high expectations you model for others. 
3GKirstenfor your excellent post it notes when making predictions in Reader’s Workshop. You used a range of different clues to help you predict and explained your thinking so well. Fantastic work!
3GLucafor your increased efforts in working with focus in partnerships in Maths sessions. Fantastic work, Luca!!
3QArshafor showing determination to try your personal best in all learning tasks and showing persistence during maths. Fabulous effort. 
3QFletcherfor bringing your bright and bubbly personality to our class everyday. I’m so impressed with how you show great care and compassion to other children in 3Q. Keep up the brilliant effort.
3QKayafor actively participating during all class discussions. I have really enjoyed watching your confidence and skills continue to develop. Outstanding work ethic.
4MKanushkafor constantly showing enthusiasm to learn. By questions when she unsure and is always tying her her absolute best. Great work Kanushka.
4MDanielfor always remembering to hand in your homework and trying to complete his tasks to the best of his ability. Great work Daniel. 
4SAddisonfor doing an outstanding job of creating and presenting your culture project. Your poster included lots of detail about your South African heritage and you explained everything to the class using a clear and confident voice. Well done! 
4SRoxanafor being such a bubbly and enthusiastic member of the class, who always approaches each day with a smile and willingness to try her best. Keep it up Roxana!
4WBAlexfor so smoothly settling in to being at DPS full time. You’ve done a fantastic job and are a wonderful part of our class!
4WBSophiafor presenting a fantastic poster for your culture project. It was very informative, with lots of wonderful pictures, and helped us all learn lots about your culture.
5CFrankfor his consistent and outstanding work ethic.
5CCohenfor his excellent powerpoint presentation on care for kids.
5ECassiefor always being a polite and respectful member of the class. You display such a wonderful work ethic. It’s a pleasure having you in 5E!
5EEthanfor always trying your hardest in everything that you do. You have shown so much growth in your learning and class participation. It is so wonderful to have your positive energy in 5E!
5KWilliamfor always doing his best and aiming high. William is a responsible and helpful class member. 
5KOliviafor her positive attitude to learning. Olivia always puts her best effort into everything she does. 
6CHilaryfor always working diligently and with enthusiasm. You have worked very well this term and have put  a lot of effort in to all your classwork completing it with care and accuracy. Well done.
6CCharafor being an outstanding  role model to others in our school. You are resilient with your learning, and stay focused on the task at hand. All of your classmates appreciate the respect that you show to others and the kindness of your words and actions.
6JOliverfor showing excellent understanding of the themes, characters and messages in our class novel. Well done!
6JRyanfor showing empathy and consideration towards others. I am impressed by the way you are able to consider how others may be feeling and alter your actions accordingly.  
 Congratulations to the following students who have received a recognition award in a specialist class   


Prep W

for working hard and trying your best. Keep up the great effort! 


Prep W

for enthusiastically and cooperatively participating in Art classes. Well done Noah! 



for her beautiful creative flair that shines through in her bright and colourful drawings. Well done Trista!  



for being a really responsible class member in Art classes. He tries his best and he helps others to pack up! Thank you Ariya.



for her excellent work ethic. Dorsa always tries her best and takes great pride in the presentation of her work. Well done Dorsa!  



for always trying your best. Georgia is always enthusiastic and helpful in the classroom. Thank you Georgia! 
Cultural Studies



for achieving 100% on your end of term Plickers quiz about Asian Culture! Amazing Effort!
Cultural Studies



for achieving 100% on your end of term Plickers quiz about Asian Culture! Amazing Effort!
Cultural Studies



for achieving 100% on your end of term Plickers quiz about Asian Culture! Amazing Effort!
Cultural Studies



for achieving 100% on your end of term Plickers quiz about Asian Culture! Amazing Effort!
Cultual Studies



for achieving 100% on your end of term Plickers quiz about Asian Culture! Amazing Effort!



for always giving all tasks in PE her best effort. Benita’s running during our cross country practise this week was also outstanding. Keep it up Benita!



for his amazing start to the year. Jack’s focus in PE and behaviour has been excellent. What a star!!



for her amazing bike riding over the last couple of weeks. Gabriella has shown great perseverance and as a result has gained a great deal of confidence in her riding ability. Well done!


Prep M

for his cheerful approach to all aspects of P.E. Malek gives all tasks his best effort and has demonstrated some excellent underarm and overarm throwing technique this term.



for his improved behaviour this year and fantastic effort during our cross country running. Lucas showed what he is capable of when he really applies hiself. Great effort Lucas!



for ‘digging deep’ during the beep test this week. It was great to see Chloe pushing herself even after the rest of the girls in her class had dropped out. Inspiring effort Chloe!

MuYan (Ivy) 


for willing to participate in all class activities, including oral practice with gestures. Well done Ivy!
LOTEShiu Wang (Rex) 5Efor approaching LOTE lessons with eagerness and confidence. He shows initiative by helping around the classroom. Thank you Rex!



for willing to participate in all class activities and approaching her work with a positive attitude. Well done Adrina!



for approaching her work with a positive attitude and continues to make good progress. Well done Elena!



for being a caring and enthusiastic student, working well in LOTE lessons. Well done Ava!