The Fathering Project

Pizza & Planes

Last Thursday  at the Fathering project we ate pizza and had a paperplane contest.

We had over  three hundred people attended. Everyone enjoyed the pizza and making planes with their family. A huge thank you to 'Vic Prop' for sponsoring the pizzas. A huge thank you to the school  Council President Kelvin Wong for his amazing leadership of commitment. Also thank you to Kumar for donating the water. Thank you to Saclo and Vitio for their support... till next term again.


Mrs Coumaros   


The Fathering Project from a students perspective:


Isaac -  It was awesome to spend time with our fathers at the school and I enjoyed having pizza with dad.

Billy -  It was nice everyone connecting with parents and to meet other parents. 

Oliver  - The paper aeroplane contest was fun and it was nice to bond with our fathers’.

Jonah  - I really enjoyed because I got to play with friends. I think it was good for our dad’s to meet new people and talk with them.