From the Principal 

Our Vision

Each child has a gift or talent. It is our job to find it and to show it to them.

Our Mission

Identify the talent, develop the confidence and create the leader.


 What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?

Dear Parents and Carers,


School is always a busy place with developments on all fronts and at all levels. Term 1 2023, has been productive and rewarding. It is a privilege to work with an amazing staff. The students have been respectful and caring. Thank you for your ongoing generosity, expertise and kindness.


New Approaches to Teaching Reading

The introduction of the evidenced-based teaching phonics strategy has already proven to raise student learning outcomes. Student Reading achievement data last week reflects significant gains in student learning in the early years. The Little Learners Love Literacy program is suplimented by Minilit. This is an extra strategy in which students are provided additional time to learn key Reading concepts and skills, on a one-to-one basis and in small groups. The Foundation to Year 2 students’ timetable has changed to prioritise the teaching of literacy.

Period 1 – Phonics LLLL

Period 2 – Reading

Period 3 – Writing 


New Approaches to Teaching Maths

In Years 3-6, major changes to teaching mathematics and numeracy have been facilitated. Students’ achievement results already indicate improvement. We are anticipating significant growth in student achievement in mathmatics by the end of 2023.

Across the week the teaching of mathematics is highly structured.



Focus on mathematics and numeracy vocabulary.


Tuesdays to Thursdays

Targeted teaching at the students’ point of need. Working through the Victorian Curriculum e.g., addition, subtraction. Students are tested every two-three weeks to identify growth and to regroup for the next unit of study.



Scaffolding Numeracy in the Middle Years (Emeritus Professor Dianne Siemon) a framed problem-solving approach to develop Multiplicative Thinking. This includes: Trust the Count, Place-Value, Partitioning, Proportional Reasoning and Generalising.


Indigenous Perspectives

This week Brian Walker Koorie Engagement Support Officer visited Le Page Primary School. He responded positively to the indigenous elements thread through the school e.g., the annual whole-term focus on Australian Aboriginal Culture, library texts, signage, art, language maps, and Acknowledgement of Country. Over the school holidays the third flagpole will be erected and beginning Term 2, three flags will fly proudly at the front of our school and serve as a friendly welcome to all visitors. We are waiting on confirmation regarding the starting date of the Outdoor Sensory Garden that will be developed on the higher end of the grounds. This project will highlight indigenous elements e.g., a circle meeting place, Bunjil, a large nest and art.


Reflection Garden

Work continues at the front of the school. The space is being redeveloped to incorporate native plants, trees, painted handrails to create a focal point for conducting ANZAC and Remembrance Day ceremonies. We anticipate the project will be completed in Term 2.


Italian Day

This term the students Cultural Studies focus was Italy. Shelley Bradley inspired students to learn about language, food, the arts and everyday life. Shelley and parents managed a pizza and gelato fun lunch, which was well received by all.


Hoodie Up for Autism

On Tuesday the students and staff wore hoodies and made donations to raise awareness of autism. It was a fun day. A big thank you goes out to an amazing person, Yuz Rozenblum. At assembly, Yuz read a speech from a child’s perspective. She touched our hearts.


Swimming Program

For the first two weeks on Term 2, the students will enjoy a daily visit to Waves, for a small-group swimming lesson and to have fun with their peers. 


Curriculum Day Monday April 24 (Student-free Day)

On April 24 the staff will be working on personal mission statements, Leadership Day, Literacy and Numeracy and the 2023 Statement of Expectation. The students return on Wednesday April 26. 



Leadership is the umbrella term to encompass the many character traits and basic life competencies that parents, business leaders, and educators are voicing as the desired skills necessary to thrive in the 21st century. Leadership is a concept we don’t normally consider when thinking of young children. However, young children are very capable of learning leadership skills and using them at home and at school. By developing well-rounded children who know their strengths, we help them to unleash their potential to lead their own lives and to influence others. 


Habits 1-3: Be Proactive, Begin With the end in Mind, and Put First Things First.

Embedded in these habits: Time-management skills, planning skills, and goal-setting skills.


Habit 4-6: Think Win-Win; Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood; and Synergise. Embedded in these habits: Conflict resolution, listening, creativity, and teamwork skills.


Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw. Embedded in this habit: Finding the balance by taking care of body, brain, hearth, and soul.


Thought for the Week 

"Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." Melody Beattie


Enjoy the school holidays.


Kind regards,

George Danson