
Kaori Bawdem

In Japanese class this month, we had Hinamatsuri "Doll Festival" on the 3rd of March, when people pray for girls' happiness and healthy growth. In Foundation and Grades 1 & 2, we made our dolls with origami and paper plates. They were focused and followed the instructions thoroughly to make their original Hinamatsuri Dolls display at home. 

In Grades 3 to 6, we discussed about the difference in popular jobs between gender and learned about the Top 5 popular jobs among upper Grades in Japan. Then we had our own survey for our Top 5 jobs in St. Joseph primary school between Grades 3 and 6 in 2023. They also celebrated the doll festival with another chopstick activity to try rice crackers.  

Top 5 Popular Jobs in St. Joseph Primary  "Grades 3 to 6"
一、Professional basketball player
一、You Tuber
三、Zoo Keeper 
三、Animal helper (horse/panda etc)

I would love to hear from you, if you have any questions or suggestions do not hesitate to reach out! 


Kaori Bawden
