
Classroom App

This year we have decided to bring back the app Seesaw. Seesaw is an app where students can upload photos/videos of their work for their teachers and families to see. teachers can also set activities via Seesaw! 


Seesaw enables collaboration between all of the adults in a student’s life, from classroom teachers to family members. It also allows students to develop a digital portfolio of their work that is stored on one platform for parents and teachers to see.


All students have been set up with a Seesaw account at school. Seesaw is a program that is only to be used at school. Parents will only be able to see their child/ren's work.


You should receive a Seesaw login from your child/ren's teachers over the next week.


We are looking forward to continuing to support your child's growth as well as continuing to develop our family partnerships.