From the Principal

Nicholas Boyhan

Dear Parents and Carers,


As the end of Term One and Easter approaches, it is timely that we look back on all the learning and fun that has taken place this term.  Please see below a range of photos that showcase the learning that has taken place so far this year and the fun that has been had.


Twilight Sports


Thanks to everyone who contributed to Wednesday's successful Twilight Sports.


Thanks to our wonderful St Joseph’s students for participating with such enthusiasm. The team spirit and encouragement on display was fantastic. You could also see many children striving for their personal best. This was really on display in the tug of war at the end of the night.


It was lovely to see the encouragement of the students by the Mums, Dads and Carers. Thanks for coming along, cheering them on, congratulating them and offering consolation when needed. Having you all there elevated it from a school event to a St Joseph’s Community Event. 


Special thanks to the parents who helped dismantle tents and pack things away. Your assistance helped the staff get away at a reasonable time at the end of the night.


Thanks to the parents and friends for catering on the night. The barbecue was a huge success, completely selling out with the last few sausages going for the bargain price of 50c each. That was 1980s pricing!

While this saved you having to cook dinner when you got home, it also provided some funds to the P&F which they will use to support the purchasing of more resources to support our Literacy Program. Special thanks to Laura, Amy, Leonie and Matt and to the other parents who helped out from time to time throughout the night


I would particularly like to thank Laura for her coordination of the barbecue. Purchasing all the supplies, transporting them to school and setting up was a monumental effort. Thanks for your leadership of this event Laura.


Thanks to all staff who gave up their evening with their families to be there to support the children. Thanks for your support setting up, running the events, supporting the kids and for sticking around until everything was done at the end of the night. It was a great team effort.


Huge thanks to Terry for planning and running a high energy, fast paced event. I really loved how actively involved all the children were throughout the whole evening. The activities he selected were fun and engaging for everyone involved.


Remembering Barry Barr

Barry Barr died peacefully at home surrounded by family on March 9, 2023. Aged 46 years.  His funeral was held today at Neerim Sth.   Katie Vranken (Deputy Principal) and Paula Durrant (4/5 Classroom Teacher) represented the school.  I know you all have Maggie and her mum Kathy in your prayers at this time. 


Best wishes for a peaceful and restful weekend.

