News from Three/Four


Naplan has been a big focus in the Year 3/4 classroom this week, with students sitting 4 tests over 3 days.   During this time we have been talking about using a Growth Mindset to help us to be persistent and resilient.  Some of the self-talk phrases we might use include:

"This is hard but I'll do my best."  

"I've got this!"


Students have been very excited about posting some of their work on Seesaw.  They have used the drawing tool, typing tool, recording tool and photo tool to share their work with you.  One of our big focuses on Seesaw is to use correct punctuation in our posts and our comments and to always inform the audience of what we are learning.  We are definitely improving at this as we go.  If you haven't had a look yet, make sure you get on and check it out.


In maths we have been learning about time.  This is some of us practising the order of the seasons: