Science News

Kristen Raine

Last week, Year 9 Marine Science students experienced the challenges and excitement of completing real-world field work in a marine environment. We didn’t get the best conditions at Cape Paterson to complete the planned field study of the rock platform however, all students put their new snorkelling skills to the test and attempted to snorkel the rocky areas around the Cape Paterson shoreline. Amongst high swells, cold waters and low visibility, the students all demonstrated resilience and challenged themselves.

John Monash Science School Regional Exchange Program

Applications are now open for Year 10 students to apply for the John Monash Science School Regional Exchange Program. Through the Regional Science Exchange, Year 10 students from rural and regional Victoria experience teaching and learning at John Monash Science School (JMSS) – Victoria’s first specialist secondary school with an explicit focus on science, mathematics and associated technologies.

Students participating in the exchange will travel to Melbourne, and be provided with home stay accommodation for three weeks, during which time they will participate in regular Year 10 curriculum at John Monash Science School. In addition to regular studies, students will experience the unique learning environment offered by JMSS and benefit from working with a large group of keen scientifically – minded student. They will also have the opportunity to participate in specialised emerging science electives, fields trips and extra-curricular activities.

Due to government funding, the program is now FREE. Students will only need to organise transport to and from Melbourne. 

Interested Year 10 students should speak to their Science teacher or Mrs Raine. 


Kristen Raine

Learning Specialist (Student engagement and community partnerships)

Science Domain Leader