Year 7 & 8 News

Ashlee Williams

Over the past 7 weeks of Term 1 the Year 7 and Year 8 students have had the opportunities to participate in a wide range of events and activities which has led to them having a successful start to the year. 

The Year 7 students have settled into the school incredibly well and are continually succeeding in demonstrating our school expected behaviours. In the classrooms the students are arriving on time, completing their set work and being kind, thoughtful and inclusive of others. Outside of the classroom they have all completed their swimming program as well as the school swimming carnival which was a great success. They have also participated in school camp, parks week down at the skate park and this week are participating in NAPLAN. Overall, the Year 7 team is very proud of their efforts both in and out of the classroom this term. 

The Year 8 students have also had many opportunities outside the classroom to get involved and get to know their new classmates as well as build upon their previous knowledge with our expected behaviours. The students have also completed their swimming program and participated in the school swimming carnival. They also participated in the park’s week session down at the skate park where they were able to get outside and be active. On Wednesday the year level was taken down to Cowwarr Weir for their Big Day Out. At the weir they participated in canoeing, team building tasks and a great race. All students were very well behaved and had a great day out in the sun. 

Both year levels have had a very busy start to the year and have had successes so far this year. 

The Year 7 and 8 team are looking forward to the rest of the year. 

Felicity Scully Year7/8 Leader
Ashlee Williams Year7/8 Coordinator
Felicity Scully Year7/8 Leader
Ashlee Williams Year7/8 Coordinator