Student of the Week

Award being presented: 17th March 

00ANomination 1: Ashton R - for being so resilient with practicing your name, and always trying your best with your learning! I am so proud of you! Keep it up Ashton! 
Nomination 2: May S - for being an enthusiastic learner while learning our new phonograms and writing our words! I love how you always try your best, and willing to give everything a go! Great work May Sie! 
00BNomination 1: Daisy - for being an enthusiastic learner when learning our new phonograms. I am so proud of the confidence you have to say the new phonograms in front of the class! You are amazing Daisy!
Nomination 2: Emmeline - for being a super reader! I am so proud of you for sounding and writing some words using the phonograms we know. What an amazing learner you are!
00CNomination 1: Kendrick - for always being an enthusiastic learner and giving all new tasks a go. Keep up the awesome work Kendrick!
Nomination 2: Annabel - for always being a kind and caring class member and being a great friend to all her classmates. Keep up the wonderful work Annabel
00DNomination 1: Nate - for his enthusiastic participation in our class discussions. It is great to see you sharing your knowledge with us. Well done Nate!
Nomination 2: Prisha - for being a wonderful learner during Heggerty each and every morning! You are focused and can always be heard following along. Amazing Prisha! 
00ENomination 1: Ezra - for your positivity in the classroom and your willingness to have a go at every activity. You are a champion!
Nomination 2: Kei - for your wonderful effort with learning your phonograms. Keep up the fabulous learning, Kei!



Nomination 1: Tyden - for being a responsible learner during our active brain breaks making sure everyone is safe.
Nomination 2:  Zara - for being brave and coming into the classroom with a smile even when you are a little unsure. I am so proud of you.
1BNomination 1: Ben - for being a fantastic learner. You have amazed me this week with your positive attitude towards all of your learning. I am so proud of you. Keep up the great work!
Nomination 2: Arya - for always being such a respectful and responsible classmate. You are a fantastic role model as you consistently display our school values both inside and outside. I am so proud of you. Keep shining bright!
1CNomination 1: Olivia - for demonstrating a love of learning. It has been fantastic to see you challenge yourself in Maths lessons. Keep up the great work. 
Nomination 2: Cohen - for his wonderful start at GRPS. It has been fantastic to see you already demonstrating our school values inside and outside of the classroom. We are so lucky to have you in 1C.
1DNomination 1:  Hamish - for taking his learning seriously and showing that he is a respectful, responsible student 
Nomination 2:  Zaiden - for a great start to the year, giving tasks a go and sharing plenty of smiles 
2ANomination 1: Melki L - for showing great stamina and perseverance in writing to complete a personal recount about a computer game. Well done!
Nomination 2: Chris N - for being a kind friend to your classmates and for making us all laugh with your terrific sense of humour!
2BNomination 1:  Amanda H - for being friendly, she is a good person. She is great at making people not feel lost or lonely in the room or playground.
Nomination 2: Hugh B - for being helpful  in extension group if people are unsure of the words. He is kind and fair outside in the playground. He is very sharing. He is grateful when others help him. Demonstrates good learning.
2CNomination 1: Madeline W - for being wonderfully responsible in the classroom and considerate of others in the school yard.
Nomination 2: Riley K - for magnificent enthusiasm for and dedication to his writing.
3ANomination 1: Caitlin - for always looking out for others. She always checks in with people when they are upset or have no one to play with, she is a good friend to everyone
Nomination 2: Nivie - for asking great questions to clarify your learning.  You are such a responsible  learner.
3BNomination 1: Theodore - for being so brave the past month with his broken arm. You haven’t missed a single thing inside or outside of the classroom, including P.E! We are all very proud of you in 3B.
Nomination 2: Sian Nu - for being a super card ninja in our class last week. You looked for our most respectful, responsible, learners and rewarded them with a value card using your excellent leadership skills. 
4ANomination 1: Gabe - for working really hard in our writing lessons and producing an imaginative narrative. I am so proud of your efforts.
Nomination 2: Isla - nominated by 4A for always concentrating on her work, trying her best and being a good friend. Great work Isla!
4BNomination 1: Bodie - for being so dedicated to his work, always looking to improve and produce his personal best. We love seeing your story ideas coming to life. Keep it up!
Nomination 2: Riya - for consistently being a kind and caring person in the class. Your classmates appreciate your help and patience when helping them solve a tricky problem. Thank you!
4CNomination 1: Eamonn - for a fantastic start to the year. For having a positive learner attitude and giving everything a go. Keep it up buddy!
Nomination 2: Maddison - nominated by 4C for always being focussed and independent during our learning sessions. Thanks for displaying our school values so well Maddy!
5ANomination 1: Daniel Z - for fantastic detailed simile description. Keep up the awesome work!
Nomination 2: Evelyn D - for being an enthusiastic and responsible learner with our oral and written phonograms. You have been an amazing helper as we learn all the sounds.
5BNomination 1:
Nomination 2: 
5CNomination 1: Zachariah S - for a brilliant start to grade 5. You are demonstrating what being a good learner is through your effort and attitude. Well done!
Nomination 2: Abby K - for writing an hilarious and imaginative paragraph filled with Aussie slang. You demonstrated your excellent understanding of this aspect of Australian identity.
6ANomination 1: 
Nomination 2:  
6BNomination 1: Ryan - for his excellent effort and enthusiasm to all areas of learning. You are such a great role model to others in the class. 
Nomination 2: Jai - for his excellent sizzling starts while writing his autobiography. Keep up the great work Jai!
6CNomination 1: Tayte R - for his engaging and descriptive autobiography, written with emotion and humour. Great job!
Nomination 2: Rachel L - for her insightful responses during our discussions of our class novel. She displays a deep level of understanding and appreciation of the text.



Nomination 1: Lottie R (2A) - for saying ‘bertanggungjawab’ (responsible) accurately during the second lesson of Indonesian! Bagus!
Nomination 2: Chris Z (2A) - for showing active participation during Indonesian! Your smile is beautiful!
EALNomination 1: Tha Mu Wah - 4B - for your extra effort in our maths sessions and your continued commitment to practising your maths skills at home.
Nomination 2: Biak Nun - 6C - for settling into our EAL group beautifully and contributing in a positive and respectful manner.
Performing Arts Nomination 1: Edith M - 00E - for approaching every learning task with a positive attitude. Your singing and dancing is amazing. What an amazing learner you are!
Nomination 2: Jack F - 00C - for approaching every learning task with a positive attitude. Your singing and dancing is amazing. What an amazing learner you are!



Nomination 1: Riley K (2C) - for being a great learner in Art classes. You listen carefully and give 100% effort. Your Lego self-portrait is amazing!


Nomination 2: Alyce C (2A) - for being a great learner in Art classes. You listen carefully and give 100% effort. Your Lego self-portrait is amazing!


Physical Education Nomination 1: 
Nomination 2: 
Science and TechnologyNomination 1:  Pieris M - for raising your hand and asking fantastic clarifying questions.
Nomination 2: Ricky G - for being the first year 5 student to complete your digital license. Well done!