Principal's Post
Inclusive Community
Throughout the course of Term 1, staff collaborated on the development of an Annual Action Plan. One of the goals of this plan is for Mazenod College to be an inclusive community. For this to be achieved, traits such as care, compassion, forgiveness, tenderness, love, and understanding are required. Graduates from Mazenod where such traits are modeled can enter a workforce that values social relationships, and interpersonal, open-ended, and reflective forms of labor. Importantly, Mazenod has a responsibility to equip students for a workplace that is inclusive, collaborative, collegial, non-hierarchical, and free from gender, racial, or creedal bias. The social construction of what it means to be a young person in the modern world can sometimes be narrow and restrictive. As a College community, when we embrace diversity and inclusivity and promote and defend marginalized groups, we can create an atmosphere where interpersonal relationships can thrive.
Feast of the Assumption
On Monday 15th August, the entire College stopped at the beginning of the day to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. We were blessed to welcome recently ordained Fr Joshua Nash OMI to lead the College community in a celebration of the Eucharist. This is an annual event that enables the Oblate community to gather and celebrate liturgically the influence Mary had on St Eugene de Mazenod.
Parent/Carer-Student-Teacher Interviews
Many interviews were conducted this week and hopefully, this was a positive experience for families and students. Thank you for the positivity and appreciation that was communicated to staff through the process. As much as we need to encourage our students it is important to recognize the efforts and support of parents and staff.
This Saturday we are starting our interviews for Year 7 2024. Applications continue to arrive which is a very healthy situation for the College, but we are very concerned that some of our families, who have students at the College already, have not processed applications for their sons in Grade 5. This can cause unnecessary duress when offers are made, places have been filled and late applications arrive.
Music at Mazenod
Mazenod College offers a comprehensive and exciting Instrumental Music Program. All students participate in classroom music in the junior levels and are given the opportunity to study instrumental music through to VCE.
A well-established Ensemble Program is offered, featuring three large concert bands, five stage bands, a symphony orchestra, several string ensembles, a percussion ensemble and a variety of smaller chamber groups featuring brass and woodwind.
All of our vocal students participate in our Junior and Senior Choral groups. These groups perform several times throughout the year at Assemblies and Masses. All students studying a musical instrument are encouraged to develop their performance skills, with several music recital evenings, such as tonight, held regularly throughout the year.
Congratulations to all who participated in the Winter Recital.
All the best,
Dr Paul Shannon