Volleyball Update
Volleyball Coaching Sporting Schools
Volleyball Update
Volleyball Coaching Sporting Schools
During the last three weeks of Term 2 and the beginning of Term 3, a select set of Year 7 & 8 classes were lucky enough to receive Volleyball Coaching through our Sporting Schools Grant. Cori Wilder from Volleyball Victoria delivered two coaching sessions each week where students were given the opportunity to develop their Volleyball skills including setting, digging and serving. It was fantastic to see the students fully engaged in the sport of Volleyball and the progression of students’ skills across the four weeks. Students also had the chance to participate in a session of ‘sitting volleyball’, a game focused on giving students an understanding of the experience of playing volleyball with a disability. It gave students an amazing insight into how the game can cater for all ability levels.
We can’t thank Cori enough for the engaging sessions she provided for our students, allowing students to develop their volleyball skills in an engaging experience.