Principal's Report

by David Lord

Parent Teacher Student Conferences 

This year, we have had a school wide focus on assessing where students are up to in their learning and then target teaching them in ways that are known to work. We have strong routines to scaffold this in our classrooms. As we move out of the worst of the latest flu/COVID season, it is a great time to remind students that the best way they can set themselves up to succeed is to be at school every day with the right materials and ready to learn. 


Our approaching Parent Teacher Student Conferences are also a good opportunity to see how students are progressing so far this year. It has caused me to reflect on the number of times that we have been unable to be together as a Staughton Family over the last few years. It is also an important reminder that our ability to come together and connect as a school community is a privilege and an important part of who we are. It is one of my favourite times of the year, as I am able to catch up with many people from across our community at once. I enjoy the opportunity to see how families are going, talk about how students are progressing, celebrate success, and encourage effort and engagement. 

Upcoming Important Dates 

  • Wednesday 24th August Parent Teacher Student Conferences (No scheduled classes on this day)
  • Monday 29th August Teacher Professional Practice Day (No scheduled classes on this day)





We, at Staughton College, would like to show our respect and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is situated, of elders past and present. We extend a warm welcome to everyone who visits our school.