
Student News - Green Week Sept 12-16th

Next week,  we are going to be having a Green Week! Week 10  is a special week where we talk about how to be more sustainable at our school. We will be doing 2 challenges, having some fun activities and finishing with a Green Casual Clothes day on Friday 16th September. 


The two challenges are a nude food challenge and cleaning up the yard challenge.

The nude food GREEN challenge is where students are encouraged to have nude food lunch boxes. This means students have no packaging in their lunches. Anybody who does this will earn a point for their class each day. 


The second GREEN challenge is to clean up the yard. At snack and lunch students who find rubbish in the yard will show the piece of rubbish to the teacher on duty to earn a point for their class. 


At the end of each day we will count up points and allocate a prize to the winning class. The winning class for the whole week gets to have a popcorn treat while watching a movie on the big screen. 


All students get to wear green casual clothes on Friday which is to signify our school turning ‘green’. 



Nathan, Manu, Chanel and Ajur

School Captains & Social Justice and Sustainability Leaders


Celebrating 50 years of Education

Teeth On Wheels - Visiting 

in Term 4


We are beginning to enjoy some lovely Spring sunshine but with that comes caution. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), more than 1700 Australians die every year from skin cancer and at least 2 in 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer before the age of 70. 


Skin cancer is largely preventable so as we head into more sunny weather, we encourage our students, staff and families to be SunSmart. 


The St Martin’s school hat is part of our uniform and meets the criteria for a sun smart hat. Students must wear this hat whenever they are outside in Terms 1 and 4 and from mid August to the end of April when the UV is 3 or above.


In the term holidays, locate St Martin's school hats and have them ready to wear every day in Term 4.


Make sure your child's name is clearly visible. Hats can be purchased from Noone - see link here.

Second-Hand Uniform

The Second Hand Uniform is operated by volunteers of the Parents in Partnership (PIP). This service offers parents the opportunity to buy second-hand items in good condition for less than the cost of a new one. 


Families wishing to donate items can drop them into the front office. Please note that we can only accept items which are freshly laundered and in good condition (no holes or rips).


We accept CASH ONLY (NO Credit/Debit Card).

Online Uniform Shop - NOONE


Below is the price list for a limited range of clean and quality pieces:







Shirts long /short-sleeved 

$15 each

($5 if marked)

Summer dresses


Winter pinafore


Sports polo shirt/ shorts

$15 each

Sports pants


Worn $15

School pants

Noone brand $15

Other brands $10

School shorts

Noone brand $10

Other brands $5

School Bag




Please email Rexi: to check the size availability.