Principal's Message

Good afternoon and welcome to the end of Term 3! Can you believe it? Plus, our Year 12 students have only another 15 days to go. The English exam (always first) is Wednesday October 26th!


I was able to get out amongst the classes this morning and I must say, I continue to be pleased with the tone of the classes and the clear effort being shown by the students and all the staff! Both are 'pretty puffed' at this time.


A fast reflection on this term – tells a pretty great story really. Good academic results in classes, the extension and intervention programs have been impactful, our NAPLAN results are the best they have been for many many years, being able to run extra curricular programs and excursions, so all in all, a great term. Now we just need to finish well, during Term 4. 


Our Parent Survey is open until tomorrow for all families to participate in. An email was sent to all families with a unique log in. The survey results to date tell a strong story of endorsement. The survey covers a variety of 'umbrella topics' and then indicates the level of positive endorsement. Some of our results so far:

  • The school values parent / carers contributions = 67%. 
  • I am able to get the information I need via the College normal communication channels = 74%
  • Overall, general satisfaction with the education that my child receives = 75%

There are many more and I will unpack the full survey in detail next term after it closes. My only disappointment is the low response rate. However we can only try our best and then work with what we have. Next year, fingers crossed we will hit something like 80% of our families completing the survey.


The Parent Teacher Interviews roll out tonight and tomorrow. The teacher's schedules are pretty full, which is pleasing. This is an important opportunity to speak directly to your children’s teachers, very specifically around academic growth and learning, opportunities and pathways.  If you haven’t yet made an appointment, please call our office asap and they will assist you. 


Hopefully the sun will continue to shine and all members of our College community will get a chance to have a well deserved break.



Thanks for reading and I look forward to seeing everyone back on deck next term.


Trudie Nagle
