Community Wellbeing

Wear a touch of yellow on R U OK? Day
Whilst any day can be R U OK? Day, the formal day will be marked on September 8.
R U OK? Day is the National Day of Action when all Australians are reminded to ask, ‘Are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation to support those in their world through life’s ups and downs.
On R U OK? Day (and every day), it’s important to take some time to ask people in your circle if they are OK. Chances are someone you know is struggling. Their behaviour may have changed. Perhaps they may have withdrawn from activities they normally enjoy or seem more overwhelmed than usual. Whatever it is, trust your gut and reach out. Pick the right moment, ask ‘Are you OK? and listen.
The official R U OK? Day website has lots of information about how to ask someone R U OK? to help build our confidence.
To help promote positive mental health and get the whole school involved, St Anne’s College will be running various learning activities in class on R U OK? Day. Students are expected to wear full uniform but are encouraged to wear a touch of yellow such as a hat, scarf, hair tie, socks etc.
Remember … every day is a chance to ask R U OK? – Because a conversation could change a life.
If you or someone you know requires immediate support:
Lifeline: Ph: 13 11 14
Call 24/7 for crisis support and suicide prevention services
Kids Helpline: Ph: 1800 55 1800 - 24/7 private and confidential phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25
eHeadspace - phone and online support:
Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline webchat:
Suicide Call Back Service Ph: 1300 659 467
24/7 free counselling and support for people at risk of suicide, carers and bereaved
In case of emergency
Triple Zero Ph: 000
Community invited to Youth Fest
Positive body image webinar
Attendance matters - every day counts
The Fathering Channel - support for dads
The Fathering Channel is a virtual community designed to support dads and ultimately help kids and families to stay healthy, happy and connected in these uncertain times and beyond. The Fathering Channel also helps families connect to a wealth of resources and advice. Visit The Fathering Channel at