From the Principal

Benvenuto - Welcome
Pope Francis' Couch Potato Quote
The following is a quote from Pope Francis made at a World Youth Day near Krakow in Poland in 2016. “The times we live in do not call for young couch potatoes, but for young people with shoes or, better, boots laced. It only takes players on the first string, and it has no room for benchwarmers. Today’s world demands that you be a protagonist of history, because life is always beautiful when we choose to live it fully, when we choose to leave a mark.”
This quote was shared with some of our Year 10 students who engaged in a consultation process with Dr Chris Cotter and Ruth Lawlor from the Sandhurst Diocese around the establishing of a Sandhurst Mission and Pastoral Council this week. These sessions are occurring across the diocese with the aim for all Catholic secondary schools to have a voice in the discernment process. The development of a Sandhurst Mission and Pastoral Council is a key recommendation of the 2020 ‘Go Forth’ review of the diocese to build co-responsibility and discernment in the leadership and decision making within the diocese. Our students were able to give some insightful feedback and ideas to take forward in the process.
Teacher’s Aide Appreciation Week
This week is Teacher’s Aide Appreciation Week, an opportunity for us to celebrate and acknowledge the incredible work of our Learning Support staff. We are so lucky at St Anne’s to have such a dynamic, dedicated, talented group of staff who support our Learning Mentors and our students each and every day. THANK YOU for all that you do! Please see the 2022 Staff page in this edition of il giornale for our video tribute to our amazing team of Learning Support staff.
Father’s Day
This Sunday we set aside some time to reflect on the impact of the special men in our lives; fathers, partners, husbands, brothers. I hope that this day provides an opportunity for you to spend time with loved ones and experience the love and joy of that special connection, particularly with the special male role models in our lives. If this day is a difficult one that brings to light grief or unsettlement, please surround yourself with love and support, finding opportunities for thankfulness and gratitude. Tonight we hosted our Beaut Blokes’ Barbie and Ball Games event to celebrate the special men in our students' lives. Coverage can be found on the Father's Day page in this edition.
Parent Engagement Survey
Please note the Parent Engagement Survey sent out earlier this week will remain open until next Wednesday. Please complete it if you have the opportunity:
College production
The production cast and crew are working tirelessly as we hurtle towards opening night! The cast performed for School of Wonder children this morning and by all accounts it was a great performance. Thank you to Sean O'Brien for all of the ongoing work with the students. Details about ticket sales can be found on the College Production page.
Program Support Group (PSG) meetings and Learning Conversations
These last two weeks have been very busy with PSGs and Learning Conversations occurring. These are great opportunities for families to engage in conversation to celebrate success and set goals for future improvement. We thank families for their engagement in these important interactions and the staff for the preparation in hosting a generative conversation.
St Anne's enjoys athletics success
A number of our students represented St Anne's College at the Goulburn Murray Secondary School Sports Association Athletics Carnival yesterday where they enjoyed great success. Further details can be found on the Sports News page.
- Susan Carroll, Principal
Sophia Kenyon; Jaxan McDonald; Fateh Pannu; Jugaad Singh; Jai Smith; Jazz Mackin; Christine Smith; Alivia Spratt; Seamus Burke; Payton Rowland; Jordan King-Page; Ethan Hodgkisson
Emily Francis; Alexandra Phillips
Thanks to the following businesses for supporting St Anne's College:
Adornato's - for landscaping supplies
Intercontinental Spares - for the 40ft shipping container
ConX Hire - for the VMS display board
Pental and Powertek - for donating raffle prizes for the Beaut Blokes' Barbie and Ball Games Father's Day celebration.