General Notices

Lunch orders unavailable until further notice
The college's lunch order provider, Eastwood Orchard, has advised that, due to unforeseen circumstances, lunch orders will not be available until further notice.
Changes to bus travel arrangements
The college has been notified of the following changes to bus travel for 2023:
Please note starting in January 2023 ADHOC travel will no longer be an option on the School Bus Program.
This year there has been a larger number of applications than previous years and many applications were declined due to the capacity on the buses.
To keep this fair for all travellers it has been decided that going forward ADHOC travel will no longer will available.
Please note that all ADHOC approvals will end 20th December 2022.
In extreme cases or one off situations travel may be approved subject to term and conditions.
College reaps rewards of Book Club purchases
Drivers reminded to keep our community safe
Parents/carers are reminded to use the college car park and entrance roundabout safely and respectfully when dropping off and picking up children at the college. Drivers are not to block the roundabout at the car park entrance as buses and nearby residents also need to be able to drive through the roundabout. Children are not to be dropped off in the roundabout or in the roadway of the college car park. Drivers must park their vehicle before allowing children to leave the car. Drivers are urged to please help us keep our children, staff and community safe.
The many ways we communicate with families
Parents/carers are reminded that the Parent Access Module (PAM) is the main platform the college uses to communicate with families. Other forms of communication include the St Anne's College Facebook page, the fortnightly college newsletter - il giornale - and email.
Families are asked to ensure that they check PAM daily for important updates and information. PAM is the portal through which parents receive activity permission forms and daily messages. The college does not use printed paper forms/notes to communicate this information. Parents/carers can also use PAM to check on their child's learning areas and to send parent-notified student absences. PAM is also the portal through which students' reports are accessed. If you have misplaced or forgotten your PAM login details please contact administration at
Parents/carers can download the SIMON Everywhere app to get live notifications on everything that happens in PAM. Just search for 'SIMON Everywhere' on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, download the app and sign in with your PAM account.
Follow us on Facebook
We are still collecting bread bags
St Anne's College is taking part in the Wonder Recycling Rewards campaign. Please help us collect bread bags so that we can earn points to redeem RHSports equipment for our college. Bread bags can be placed in the collection boxes near college reception.
Committed to the safety of all children
Feedback form available on PAM
There is a link in the parent resources section of PAM which gives access to a feedback form for parents/carers to convey any feedback they would like to provide to the college.
Learning session times for Semester 2, 2022
8:30am: Learning spaces open
8:57am - 9:07am: Pastoral Group
9:07am - 10:07am: Learning session one
10:07am - 11:07am: Learning session two
11:07am - 11:35am: Recess/supervised eating/outdoor exploration
11:35am - 12:35pm: Learning session three
12:35pm - 1:35pm: Learning session four
1:35pm - 2:15pm: Lunch/supervised eating/outdoor exploration
2:15pm - 3:05pm: Learning session five
3:05pm - 3:15pm: Pastoral Group
3:15pm: Dismissal
Note: On Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, Year 10 students will have an extended 60-minute session five and no afternoon Pastoral Group.