From the

Assistant Principal 


Dear Parents/Carers,


Our teachers will be releasing a summary of the learning on Friday afternoon. This summary provides you with your child’s learning progress across all area of the curriculum that were covered during the term. It also includes feedback on effort and learning behaviour.  This information will be available by clicking on your child’s ‘Learning Tasks’ tab when you log into Compass.


An area of the curriculum that has been a particular focus for us as a professional learning community has been the teaching of writing. We know that students grow as writers by engaging in authentic writing and by getting ongoing feedback in their writing. As part of whole school effective teaching practice in writing, our teachers design and teach explicit units of work that support students to learn the craft of writing and to write with purpose.  The teaching of writing at Rowville Primary School encourages and supports all young writers to capture their ideas, pay attention to important details, write for audience, take risks and use their voice. Writing everyday enhances our young writer’s capacity to think and problem solve. It provides daily opportunities for our students to tell stories to different audiences which is an act of rehearsal, just like the writer’s notebook. Writer’s notebooks belong to the writer and are a special place for them to explore writing and play with words. Note taking, reading and researching, locating, building a picture of what we need to write. It’s all part of that search for words and inspiration.


An area of the curriculum that our senior students have thoroughly enjoyed this term has been STEM. Our Year Six students have been learning about how forces can control movement in products or systems by experimenting, designing and engineering with pneumatics and hydraulics. After experimenting with syringes and tubing to gain a deeper understanding of pneumatics and how hydraulics work, students were set the challenge to design and engineer a machine that used them. The machines that the students came up with were amazing! Students not only deepened their understanding of how forces can control movement, but they also had to be adaptable and persistent when facing difficult challenges with their build and had to work effectively with their team to ensure that their designs were delivered in the time frame!


Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey 

The Rowville Primary School Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is currently open to find out what parents/caregivers/guardians think of our school. I would like to remind and encourage all families to please complete this annual survey. The data gained from Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is highly relevant and helps us to prioritise future improvement strategies. Thank you to the families that have already responded to the survey. We would love more responses. The survey closes tomorrow - Friday 16 September at 5 pm.


Wishing all families a wonderful holiday break.


Kind regards,


Tiffany Bamford

Assistant Principal