Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

We have had some focus on respectful relationships in Senior School over the last week. Several staff have met with groups of students from Years Ten and Eleven to examine some of our more casual interactions and how they impact those around us, regardless of intent. Too often, conversations with friends rely on putting others down to gain a laugh or entertain the group. I am frequently told that “it’s just friendly banter!” It’s not. In fact, some of what is being said is not only cruel but sexual harassment, or racist. 


Language changes and evolves constantly and some of the current trends are quite disturbing as Peggy Orenstein discovered as part of her research for her book, Boys and Sex. Boys are using expressions such as, “Smash!”, when they see a woman walking past. Peggy’s website talks more about this and many other issues facing our young people and their parents.


When challenged, students are mostly horrified when they stop and actually think about what they have been saying and how it sounds. When they are told that what they have said would lose them a job and possibly result in criminal charges outside of school, students start to realise how unfriendly their banter is. 


Other issues that we are addressing include judgemental behaviour, rumour mongering and gossip.  When friendship groups close ranks and do not allow connections with other students to form, we see students struggle to function when they find themselves put into a particular group for a class activity. This can become exponentially worse when friends are absent or a student finds themselves in a course or an elective with nobody from their friendship group.


Talk to your children about their experiences amongst their friends. What do healthy, respectful relationships look like and feel like?

Comfort Club Launch

On Monday we launched our Comfort Club.  We have had Year Twelve leaders playing pick up sticks, working on jigsaw puzzles, and enjoying a hot drink and a chat each morning before school while welcoming other students looking for a warm, gentle and friendly start to their day.  

This time and space is available for all students who would like a soft landing when they arrive at school, and they should feel free to bring a friend along!


Mrs Victoria Turnor | Head of Senior School

St John Ambulance First Responder App

There have been a few instances recently where young people have not called Triple Zero in situations they probably should have.  St John Ambulance would like to encourage all students with a smartphone to download the FREE St John First Responder App to assist in locating them in an emergency.

Karri-to-Coast Navigator Adventure

Outward Bound has an exciting adventure coming up in September with a few more places available. Find out more about their 12-day Karri-to-Coast Navigator adventure here. Experience twelve inspiring days of hiking among towering Karri trees, paddling the wild coastline of the Southern Ocean and swinging through the trees at Walpole. Outward Bound offers financial assistance in the form of program scholarships. You can apply for a scholarship here. It is a really simple process and they are happy to support you through it if you have any questions. Please call Outward Bound on 02 6235 5700 or email if you have any questions.

Adolescent Mental Health Study

Researchers from the Department of Psychology at Macquarie University are investigating body image in Australian teenagers. They are seeking help from parents and their confident teens who are not worried about their appearance. Families will receive a $30 gift voucher for their time. For further information, please contact Cassie Lavell via



  • Cassie Lavell, PhD Candidate and Clinical Psychologist
  • Dr Ella Oar, PhD  , Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Clinical Psychologist
  • Distinguished Professor Ron Rapee, PhD, ARC Laureate Fellow

St Thomas More College - UWA Open Day

UWA Open Day, St Thomas More College Open Day & Community Market Day Collaboration

When: Sunday 28 August between 9.00am to 3.00pm


St Thomas More College (Tommy) will have tours running all day, and the College Registrar Mel Carnachan will be in the Admissions Hub to answer any questions students and parents may have regarding living at Tommy.


The Community Market will also have many stalls operating including the Op Shop. It is a great opportunity for students to see first-hand what a vibrant College Tommy is.

Murdoch University Open Day

TAFE Open Day - Save the Date