From the Chaplain

In assembly I spoke to the students about the value of themselves, relating it to a bottle of water.  In a survey of 93 countries, Australia was the second most expensive country to buy a bottle of water from.  The most expensive water in the world is Fillico Jewellery Water from Japan and cost $1500 for a 720ml bottle. One example of this is a glass, angel bottle with etched writing and decorated with 57 Swarovski crystals.

The water inside is like any other water from a spring.  This tells us two things about the price and value of water: 

  1. It seems to be that how dressed up your water is depends on the price of the water.  Do you feel less valuable if you do not dress up to look how you think you need to look? God does not look at the outside appearance of things, only on the inside.  1 Samuel 16:7 “Pay no attention to how tall and handsome they are, because I do not judge as people judge. They look at the outward appearance, but I look at the heart.”  So you may think that the good looking $1500 water bottle is the best, but it is what is on the inside that matters.  Who are you trying to be on the outside and who are you really on the inside? 
  2. Depending on where you buy your bottle of water, depends on the price of it. How much do you value yourself?  Are you feeling less valuable in certain places or situations, or with certain people? I love this verse from Psalm 139:17-18. ‘How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!  How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand.’  This is saying that God has so many great thoughts about us, more than all the grains of sand on the earth.  You might feel invaluable or down sometimes, but remember this verse. God thinks nothing but highly of you and more positive thoughts towards you than anyone else on earth.   

Be happy with who you are on the outside and love the person you are on the inside and recognise how valuable you are to God, no matter who you are. 


Mrs Naomi Cooper | Chaplain