5/6 News


What a busy end to the term  with so many fun and engaging activities going on. As always our beautiful grade 5/6 students have attacked it, full steam ahead and with great enthusiasm. We have have been blown away with their interactions with each other as they continue to show their kindness and acceptance towards one another.




This week the students have continued to work on different AFL Maths activities as we get ready for our AFL Colours Day at the end of term 3. The students have been looking at statistics and probability through AFL data.  It's been great to have the students work in small groups, using real life data from the AFL. The students have continued to work on their Rocket Maths times tables skills. 

ENGLISH - Public Speaking Graduation

Our public speaking course has come to a close with our graduation sessions being held this week, which was a fantastic celebration of all their hard work this term and the amazing improvement they have all shown.  It was great to see the students all have different roles and execute them in such a beautiful way. We are really proud of all their efforts.


All students were all given completion certificates for their efforts over the past 8 weeks. An honourable mention goes to those students who were awarded trophies for outstanding performances.  

Best SpeechMillie Bonke
Most ImprovedJasper Clarke 
Best off the Cuff Speaker Johnny Simon
Best Evaluator Max Ruffle 
Best SpeechAdam Humphrey 
Most ImprovedHarvey Buzzer 
Best off the Cuff Speaker Lola Stalph
Best Evaluator Gia Hilton
Best SpeechJoel Begg
Most ImprovedBonnie Lagan
Best off the Cuff Speaker Joe Bade
Best Evaluator Issy Corrigan 
Best SpeechKate Hyde
Most ImprovedGrace Senz
Best off the Cuff Speaker Eden Molony
Best Evaluator Archie Matthews

Fathers Day

The students had a wonderful time making Fathers/Special person picture story books using inspiration from the book 'My Aussie Dad'. It was wonderful to see them use their creative minds to illustrate and write these special books. Thank you to Ms Kehoe and Miss Healey who went above and beyond to make sure every student's book looked fantastic, there were multiple 7am starts to get them all finished.  We are so lucky to have both of them working in the senior school.

Inquiry - Migration  Story 

The students have been creating a migration story that we will be performing for parents on the last Thursday of term, 15th of September at 9am. The students are creating their own script and scenes looking at Australia's migration story.  From the time of our indigenous people, to the convicts, gold rush and the ten pound poms, this will hopefully provide an entertaining snapshot. The students have really enjoyed learning about this topic and have given some amazing insight into the push and pull factors that attract people in coming to Australia. We would love as many of you to come as possible.

R U OK Day

On Thursday the 8th of September, we celebrated RUOK Day. RUOK Day is a day to remind people to ask RUOK and for others to ask themselves ‘am I really ok?’ In 5/6 we learnt about how this simple question can save lives. We talked about how you can ask anyone, your friends, parents, teachers or you can call places like Lifeline or Beyond Blue. 

On Wednesday, we did an activity that involved us being paired up randomly and then asked a question about ourselves. It had some of our students  venture out of their comfort zone, being paired up with people who they wouldn’t usually have a conversation with. We found out what we had in common and new things about others...we even think most people wanted to keep going. 

That’s all from us on RUOK Day!

Thanks, Luisa and Alice

Dendy Athletics by Archie, Eden and Harrison 

On the 30th of August grade 3 to 6 went to Duncan McKinnon to compete against other schools in Dendy Athletics.  Some of the events were 800m, discuss, triple jump, long jump, 100m and many more.  We all had lots of fun, and even took home some wins. We are excited to say that we have a lot of students going to compete again at the next Dendy competition. You could only get into the next round if you came first or second, so this is an amazing achievement. The day was great. Everybody was chanting and hanging out with the other schools. We made lots of friends and had a really great time. Annoyingly not everyone got into the next round, but the people who did were very excited. The day was wet and it challenged most people to do well because it was so slippery. Everyone tried their best and overall we came 5th out of 8 schools. Congratulations to everyone that took part in the event. 



Simon Brown on behalf of  

The Senior Team