This Week in the Library
Welcome to week 9, it’s hard to believe the end of the term is not so far away!
This week, older students are continuing their green screen task and Books of the Year website while the younger students are continuing to learn more about the features of fiction and non-fiction books. I’ve been so surprised at how confident Kindergartens are at using these terms to describe books. This week we’ve compared Pig the Star and Pet Dogs Up Close and they’ve been able to identify which one is fiction and non-fiction. They love finding out interesting facts about dogs too. Did you know that the greyhound is the fastest dog in the world and can run 69 km/h?
Years 1 and 2 are also learning more about non-fiction books and especially where to find them in the library. This week, they’ll be drawing books from each section and looking for unique features in them.
6T were working hard on their Books of the Year websites today in the Computer Lab.
SORA - the Digital Library
With the holidays just around the corner, I thought it was a good time to remind everyone that students can borrow ebooks and audiobooks from the Diocese’s digital library. SORA has a wonderful collection of ebooks, audiobooks and magazines for students of all ages to use. They’re even great to download and listen to in the car if you’re travelling. Students will need their school login and password to access the library which their classroom teachers can give you if they don’t remember them.
For more information about how to log in to and browse the digital library, visit here.
SORA September Recommended Reads
Each month, SORA promotes two great reads for primary and secondary students.
Students as Authors Competition
Earlier in the term, a competition was held for writers of all ages across the Diocese. Several students from HTS submitted their stories and should be very proud of their efforts. Students had to write about an idea for the world and had various word limits depending on their age. Please see the attached poster announcing the winners. Congratulations to these fantastic writers and we look forward to reading the winning entries on SORA soon.
HTS Write A Book In a Day
The competition winners were not the only keen writers this month in the library. Last week, a team of writers and illustrators from the secondary worked all day to plan, write, illustrate and publish a short story. Their great story is available now in the library.
Quick Bits
- Please return any overdue library books before the end of the term. If you have any lost or misplaced books, if you could please let me know, would be really appreciated. Email:
- Premier’s Reading Challenge - certificates will be sent to us late in Term 4. These will be awarded at assemblies at the end of the year.
- Thank you to families who sent plastic bags in to use as spare library bags!
Meet the Reader
Meet Knox from KW, the first borrower of our newest cat book, Floof! I'm not sure who is the cutest.
Happy reading,
Mrs Toni Fraser