K-6 Sport

Year 2 King Fit

Year 2 will be continuing sessions with Nick King this week. At the centre, they have been developing their strength, balance and locomotion skills. There are only 2 weeks left! Please make sure any outstanding IOUs have been paid to your child's classroom teacher.

Year 3-6 Sport

This week students will participate in sports in stage groups at school. It will be done at school in stages.

Year 3-6 Gala Day

The Diocesan Gala Day in Tamworth is now next Tuesday 20 September. The bus will still be going and those students who had booked a seat will still have one. The following members of staff will accompany and supervise students on the day: Netball - Mrs Doyle, Miss Goddard, Mrs Lea, Mrs Fraser, Mrs White; Soccer - Mrs Dolbel, Mrs Gaias, Mrs Stewart, Mrs Williams and Ms Brockway. All students MUST be at the sporting field by 8:45 am. Netball is at the Sports Dome Netball Complex, Jack Smyth Drive, Tamworth and Soccer is at the Gipps Street Playing Fields, Tamworth. Students travelling by bus must be at the Tourist Information Centre by 5:45am to depart at 6:00am. The bus will be travelling via Bundarra. It is expected to return to the Tourist Information Centre at approximately 4:30pm. A message will be placed on Compass and Facebook.

A canteen will be operating at venues on the day (cash only). Students should be in full school sports uniform – no Diocesan clothing is to be worn. The children must have school hats, water bottles and sunscreen and soccer players MUST have shin guards.

2022 Primary Sporting Dates

  • Diocesan Gala Day (Netball & Soccer), Tamworth 20 September
  • PSSA Athletics, Homebush  19 & 20 October
  • Jump Rope Jump Off Day 28 October
  • Diocesan Touch Carnival, Inverell 4 November
  • Armidale Diocesan Primary Basketball & Tennis trials, 2 December, Tamworth


Secondary Sport

School Sport

Congratulations to Marks who have won our house sports competition for Term 3. The results were as follows:

Marks- 1790 Pts

Pauls- 1430 Pts

Leos- 980 Pts

Johns- 965 Pts

Students will be participating in a range of activities in year groups for sport this week.

Diocesan Basketball

Congratulations to all students who attended the Armidale Diocesan Basketball Day last Friday. Our Holy Trinity students competed well and demonstrated great sportsmanship on the day.

CCC Athletics

Congratulations to the following students who competed in the NSW CCC Athletics Carnival on Monday. There were some great results on the day and students should be very proud of their efforts.

Lorenzo Mudaliar, Lawson Walsh, Griffin Sanderson, Dustin Uebergang, Cody Uebergang, and Livinia Whyte.