From the Office
Office hours: 8.30am - 4.00pm
Phone: 6722 4066
Fax: 6722 2116
Postal Address: PO Box 618 INVERELL NSW 2360
COMPASS - Parent Portal
1. Search for “Compass School Manager”
itunes Apps Store - Android App Store - Google Play.
2. Search for Inverell (search for the town, Holy Trinity will bring up too many school results)
3. You will be asked to put in your individual login details.
4. You will then be taken to the homepage of the APP
5. If you haven't already logged into the parent portal on the internet, you will be prompted to update your email and mobile number.
6. Once you have completed all these steps school notifications will be sent straight to your phone.
* If you don't have your Compass Login Username and Password, please contact our office so we can supply you with your login details.
Unknown Direct Deposits
When making online payments to our school bank account, please use your fee account number as reference on all deposits.
Newsletter - paper copy
If you would like to receive a paper copy of the Newsletter, please contact our office. Paper copies will only be supplied on request.
If your child needs to take medication during school hours eg. antibiotics or antihistamines a Medical Permission Form is required to be completed and handed into the front office along with the medication. A copy of the form is attached. An electronic version is available on our Skoolbag App under eforms.
From the Uniform Shop
The shop phone number is 0448057416 and the address to order online is
Opening times:
Monday 8:30 am to 10:30am
Wednesday 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Friday 2:30pm to 4:30 pm
From the Canteen
Our canteen has changed the app used to place orders online. We have moved from Flexischools to Spriggy Schools.