Upcoming Dates 


Tuesday 13 September 

Year 9 Christian Living Day 

Year 6 Debating 

Camp Quality Performance 


Thursday 15 September 

9.15am Primary Speech Finals in the Hall - parents are welcome to attend 


11:40-12:30 Grandparents Day 

Please note a change from yesterdays reminders due to possible wet weather

Grandparents Day:

When: This Thursday 15th September

TIme: From 11:40pm until 12:30pm

Where: Front breezeway followed by your grandchild's classroom

Bring: Yourself! Tea, coffee and morning tea provided

On arrival we will make you a tea or coffee and then escort you to your grandchild's classroom, morning tea will be available in the room. They will show you their work and then can take you to another room if needed.


7.30pm SAC Meeting in the Library


Friday 16 September 

POSTPONED Primary Gala Day

2:00-3:00 K-2 Social in hall 

Glen Innes Steer Show 



Monday 19 September  Year 6 to Year 7 for the day

Tuesday 20 September Primary Gala Day in Tamworth 

Wednesday 21 Sepember K-6 Colour Run

Thursday 22 Public Holiday

Friday 23 September - Last day of term

9:15am 3G Mass - S2 attending



Monday 10 October - Pupil Free Day


Tuesday 11 October - All students resume for Term 4