Calrossy Secondary

Student Leadership

One of the hallmarks of Calrossy are our student leaders. Over the last 103 years our student leaders have strived to achieve great things both within and beyond the school gates. The role of school leader is not one to be entered into lightly, for it involves living out the school values daily. Selflessness is not only one of our school values, but a key character trait for school leaders at Calrossy. 


This is ultimately based off the definitive example of Jesus, who selflessly gave his own life that all may be saved. It is timely to consider this true act of selflessness, as our school begins the process of electing school leaders for 2023. Our current Year 11 students have given their respective speeches in Week 5 and will now go through a rigorous process before the various leadership positions are announced. No doubt, this cohort will carry on the wonderful tradition set by those before them and seek to serve the school and community admirably.


Our leaders in Calrossy 7-9 and the Calrossy Junior School have also been busy and have an exciting announcement to share with the School community.


Stephen Price

Head of Calrossy 7 - 9


SRC Caravan Project

THE Junior School and Calrossy 7-9 SRC are proud to share their current project with the wider school community. The SRC has managed to acquire a 1963 Millard Capri Caravan. The SRC is working towards making this into a mobile food van that can be used by the SRC and P & F to sell food items at school, while at the same time raising money for projects that they would like to fund. There is great excitement about this project from the students which is wonderful to see. The Junior School SRC have already worked hard to clean out the caravan. While the Calrossy 7-9 SRC have managed to empty the caravan of its inbuilt furniture. Mr Todd McDonald (7-9 SRC Coordinator) and Ms Summa Key (Junior School SRC) are both excited by the project and the enthusiasm already shown by the students.


Here is what some of the SRC reps have to say about the project:


I am excited about this project because I feel like i am helping the school grow. Angus Redgwell (Yr 8 SRC)


I’m excited for this project, as its something that us kids k-9 can work on something physically and not rely on others do the hard work. I hope we can use it as a 7-9 canteen, and hopefully use it as a multifunctional food caravan that we can use it for school events. The funds brought through hot chocolates, food and anything bought at the food caravan will go towards more shelter at WCC.  Molly Carey (Yr 9 SRC)


I think that this project is a great opportunity to raise money for the SRC and other areas in the school. If we can raise money through the use of this caravan, we hope to purchase things for the students and school such as shelter, ping pong tables and other things that will be useful for our School. Noah Chambers (Yr 9 SRC)


Likewise, the Junior School are excited about the project because…


“It will be a beneficial update to the Calrossy Community”, “It will be fun to sell food and drinks out of it”, “It will be good to use it to continue raising money for the school and the Tamworth Community”


The Junior School SRC has already held one fundraiser where the money went to the SRC and two fundraisers which went to the P&F and the Cancer Council. 

Winter Wednesday’s funds wet to the SRC for upgrades to our school. Hot chocolates were only $2 a cup and they were delicious. They came with an optional marshmallow and were served by the SRC representatives. We made $390 dollars and would like to thank the Kitchen staff for their help and of course you, the Junior School for supporting us by buying lots of Hot Chocolates.


Our next plan is to hold a Sushi lunch drive in Term 4.


The Junior School SRC can’t wait to help make this project happen.


Mr Todd McDonald and Ms Key have been blown away by the enthusiasm of both Junior School and 7-9 SRC and have set an ambitious target of having the Caravn operational by Term 4. The SRC then hopes to use the funds to purchase more shade structures for the school. They have estimated a total cost of $5000 to fully renovate the caravan. And a further $10 000 they are hoping to raise by the end of 2022 to fund a shade shelter on the William Cowper Campus. The SRC is also looking to have a naming competition, as well as asking students to come up with the best design to paint the caravan. The SRC is looking for support in three ways.


If you would like to support the SRC in making these projects happen you can:

  1. Donate via the QKR app. On the app, choose the Donations & Fundraising menu and select Fundraising SRC.
  2. Donate resources (Stainless steel, lining, other material goods. Perhaps you have a business that could be a sponsor).
  3. Donate expertise (Mr Todd McDonald will require some help to put it all together).

If you would like to support with either option 2 or 3, please contact Mr Todd McDonald at, or Mick Wilson at


Thanks for your support

Junior School SRC

7-9 SRC