Calrossy Junior School

Term 3 Week 6B


He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly[a] with your God. Micah 6:8


On Friday I was incredibly moved by the Year 6 Assembly presentation. Year 6 has been learning about Indigenous culture and heritage and their presentation on Friday in Primary Assembly was outstanding. Not only did it present facts in an informative way, but they showed empathy. Our students displayed an incredible understanding of what they have been learning. It was so powerful. When learning intersects with our hearts it makes a lasting impact. I am so proud of our Year 6 students and their teachers, Miss Kate Fitzpatrick and Mrs Sarah Chambers. 


This fortnight we are learning about goodness. Following on from Kindness, we wondered is there a difference. Goodness is prioritising what God desires of us: love of others, truth, justice, and mercy. It is choosing to do the good and right thing and having a desire to be a blessing to others.


Goodness and Kindness are closely linked, both come from a place of love, and both are Fruit of the Holy Spirit. The key difference between kindness and goodness is that kindness mainly involves being generous, compassionate, caring, and considerate whereas goodness involves righteousness in action or doing what is right.


Goodness is not merely moral behaviour, but an excellence of character. We cannot attain goodness through our own efforts, but only through God’s power working within us – the Holy Spirit – as He changes us to be more like Jesus.


Reports from Year 3 Camp: 

  • My favourite part of camp was kayaking with my friends. Rosie
  • Fishing was my favourite because I caught a fish. It was the best. Charlie
  • Sharing a cabin with my friends was the best and archery was quite fun. Montana
  • My favourite part was making damper because we got to eat it! Willow
  • My favourite part of camp was scootering. Archery challenged me, but I overcame it by trying my best. Archer
  • My favourite part of camp was the community art show. Brooke
  • My favourite part of camp was eating food that I have never tried before. I would love to go kayaking again. Hannah
  • The skill I learnt on camp was regaining – because I did not know how to use a map. Zac
  • A skill I learnt on camp was that if I believe I can do it, I can do anything. Pip

My pit and peak for this week:

  • Pit: Mud – the rain is beautiful, but it leaves mud behind it. We endeavour to keep the kids uniform as clean as possible, but we also value time outside in the fresh air on our beautiful campus. Please be patient if your children are a little dirtier than usual. 
  • Peak: Meeting new students who are preparing to come to Calrossy in 2023, their smiles and excitement is contagious. Many of these families speak of other Calrossy families who have told them about how wonderful Calrossy is. Thank you for sharing our beautiful school with these families and the many others who I will meet. 

I look forward to seeing Grandparents on Thursday for our Concert and Parents on Friday at Assembly, where the items will be repeated for everyone to see. 


Have a wonderful week!


Claire Dalziel 

Head of Junior School