Student Work

Students showcase their work on site and from home.
12 months ago, we were congratulating our school community on its commitment to remote learning during lockdown 2. We could not have foreseen that we would again have to revert to the remote learning model under lockdown 6.0
Again, the high calibre of work produced by our students is testament to not only to their persistence but also the result of the dedication of our teaching staff coupled with the valuable commitment to remote learning by their parents and carers.
Achieving Excellence Together
Year 7
During Remote Learning 6.0, the Year 7’s have adapted beautifully to cooking at home instead of in our kitchens at school. Over the last 4 weeks, 7A have cooked Spaghetti Bolognaise and Pizza Swirls beautifully, practicing their dough making skills for the Pizza Swirls and their dicing and stove top skills for the Spaghetti Bolognaise sauce.
The cooks that I have seen have looked successful so I hope that they have tasted as good as they look.
Thanks so much to the parents and guardians who are making the ingredients available for the students to be able to cook every second week. Part of the process is for the students to do all the cleaning up of the kitchen so I hope that’s happening!
Looking forward to having the students back with me in our school kitchens but so incredibly proud of what they are achieving at home.
Yours in Cooking,
Mrs Brand
7C and 7G Food classes showed they were all class for Ms Daly, making their scones and cupcakes at home.
Year 7's active during screen-free time at home.Year 8
Design Technology
Some Year 8's prior to lockdown showing their skills in design technology.
How to Play the Clarinet
by Keely M 8B
Year 9
Learning for Life
Students in Year 9 Learning for Life have been engaging extremely well with their teachers throughout the duration of remote learning in Term 3.
We started off exploring students' pathways with potential jobs, pathways through senior school and into further education. Students also prepared themselves for being grown ups by creating resumes and cover letters and applying for mock jobs. The final CAT which included a presentation of their vision board for their pathway will be completed when onsite.
Students have also been reading the novel Runner and participating in a number of activities to improve their understanding of the characters and themes. We are working towards a text response that will occur before the end of the term.
Well done to all students and staff involved in the program who have been working so well throughout this tricky remote learning period.
Mr Leith
Breakfast or Brunch at The Year 9 Body Shop
Koorie Excursion
On Thursday July 15, Kingston Koorie Mob attended the Ngarara Willim Centre at RMIT. The purpose of the Centre is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to engage with their education and to be supported and encouraged throughout their studies.
The Mob received a Welcome to Country by Narweet Dr Carolyn Briggs who is a Boon Wurrung senior elder and is the chairperson and founder of the Boon Wurrung Foundation.
She has been involved in developing and supporting opportunities for Indigenous youth and Boon Wurrung culture for over 50 years.
The Koorie Mob was introduced to student mentors and staff before engaging in a wood burning activity inspired by the student’s mob. Lunch was provided by RMIT followed by a cultural walk around the university.
The artwork “Wurrunggi Biik – Law of the Land" gives rise to the opportunity to be heard and made us feel that we belonged and welcome in the space.
From RMIT, we walked down to the Melbourne Museum, Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre, where were very fortunate to have Narweet Dr Carolyn Briggs show us around the centre. She talked about the past present and future of the First Nation People.
Mr Robinson
Year 10's Visit to TAFE
Year 10 students enjoyed a 'hands on day' when they visited TAFE recently and explored some of the courses on offer.