4/5 TR - Religion

Ms Recce

This term in Religious Education, 4/5TR have been focussing on the Sacrament of  Communion.  Students have been exploring what the Sacrament is all about and its importance.  

During Remote Learning, students investigated the Sacrament of Communion by researching what the Eucharist is about, how we celebrate the Eucharist, signs and symbols of the Eucharist, the scripture story of the Last Supper and finally family celebrations.

Here is some of the 4/5TR student work.


What is the Eucharist

By Charlie Nguyen 4/5TR

What did I do: I watched two videos about the Eucharist and identified 10 understandings about the Eucharist. 

I learnt that the Eucharist is the body and blood of Jesus which I receive during the Communion. Communion is a sacrament of initiation

What does making your First Holy Communion mean?

Making my First Holy Communion means that I eat the bread and maybe drink the wine, sing some songs, listen to the people read from the bible, say prayers and take a new step in my life and start to receive communion..

What happens at a child’s First Holy Communion?

The things that happen at a child's First Holy Communion is that you receive the bread and wine, you say prayers, and read the bible, you sing songs. 


What is the Eucharist

By Lucy O’Bryan 4/5TR

What does making your First Holy Communion mean? It means that you are thanking God for everything you have and accepting God as he excepts you.

What happens at a child’s First Holy Communion? 

The priest reads the gospel and then the children are called up to eat the bread.

Interesting information about the Sacrament of Eucharist

  1. You read the gospel before you eat the bread
  2. The word eucharist is a Greek term that means thanksgiving.
  3. The wine and bread are the body and blood of Jesus.
  4. The sacrament of Holy Communion comes from the last supper.
  5. Every Sunday we are invited to receive the body and blood of Christ

Signs & Symbols   By Amy Tran  


BREAD-  The bread becomes the body of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

WINE-  The wine becomes the blood of Jesus.

WHITE GARMENT- The White Garment is used as the Christian colour for Baptism. White symbolises purity and cleansing of sin.   

BIBLE-  The Bible encourages us to go to communion in the right spirit.

CHALICE-  a chalice is a cup that is used to hold the wine during Mass

ALTAR- The altar is a table in the church that we  use during Mass

My Celebration (Christmas)

By Dre De Silva

Where did the celebration take place? 

The celebration takes place at my Grandma’s house.  

Who was there? 

My family and My Friends.

What sorts of things happened at the celebration?

The thing that happened at the celebration was that everyone got presents. 

What kinds of food did you have?

We had Australian food.

Would the occasion have been different without the food? Why?

The occasion would be different without food because everyone would be hungry.

Were there speeches /stories told?

There were no speeches or stories told.                    

Were presents exchanged? 

There were presents exchanged.    

Compare Family Celebration, The Passover & The Last Supper 

By Nicolai Grevsmuhl

Today we are going to compare the three meal celebrations we have been looking at.  Fill in the following table and complete statements.

The main reason people attended the meal was to participate in a celebration.

The similarities of all three events were  that they all were an important time, people gathered and food was served.

 Family CelebrationThe PassoverThe Last Supper
Who was there? My dad,  sister, Valentina, Gitti, Hanny, Maya, Benno, Henrik and Myself

Family members/

Moses and the 

Jewish people                                    

Jesus, Disciples
What sorts of things happened at this celebration? Opened presents, played games, ate food

The angel of 

death passed 

over the homes 

that had blood 

on the door.

Jesus and his 

disciples shared a last supper with his disciples and Jesus prayed

What was the reason for the celebration? To celebrate my name day

To get the people of Egypt out of 


To remember Jesus
Where?Phillip IslandPeoples homesJerusalem in a room