Co-curricular - Junior Sport

Junior Sport Update

If anyone needs a little inspiration at this time, I highly encourage you to look at the Paralympics. The individual athlete stories alone are enough to brighten up the darkest of days. Add their amazing efforts representing their countries in all matter of sports, it would be hard not to feel a lump in the throat and a swelling of your heart. One amazing Australian effort is the Australian Women’s Goalball Team. They have never been to a quarter final in the history of the sport in any Paralympics. In the last two days, they have beaten Canada, a highly credentialed team, and the team representing the Russian athletes, who are the current World Champions. If China wins their match today, the Aussie girls will finish fourth and make it through to the finals. If not, they finish fifth, their best result to date. Come on Australia!  


It was great to hear the plan for the return to school for teachers and students last week. It gives us the opportunity to look forward and have a goal line to aim for. Hopefully everything goes according to plan, and we will get to spend the last few weeks of the year back in the classroom. Fingers crossed.


With the return to school, comes the question about the return to Co-curricular Sport. A return to Co-curricular Sport will depend heavily on the health advice given at the time of our return to school and in the weeks thereafter. I will keep the community updated on any information that comes to hand. I am hopeful of a return to sport in some way before the end of the year. While we still work towards our return to school, I would encourage all boys to stay active and prepare themselves for a return to sport. It is a great way to help you stay calm and relaxed, it prepares you for the times when you need to be still, and it’s great fun. It doesn’t have to be anything formal, just get up and get the heart pumping.


John Locke

Junior School Coordinator of Co-curricular