Assistant Principal's Report

Assistant Principal
- Mrs. Sue Simadri
Headstart 2020
Westall Secondary College students will commence their 2020 classes prior to the end of the year. The “roll over” for all Year 8-12 classes will commence on Monday, 2nd December, at which time all students will begin work in the next year level.
VCE and VCAL Headstart will run for one week, finishing on Friday, 6th December. Year 8-10 Headstart will run until Friday, 13th December.
Attendance during the Headstart period is compulsory. Students are required to attend in full school uniform and with all required equipment (with the exception of textbooks), to enable their full participation in classroom activities.
Students will commence course material and work towards their first assessment. They will be issued with holiday homework, which must be completed and submitted to subject teachers on their return to school next year.
Headstart will enable a seamless transition from one year to the next, providing students with a substantial understanding of the requirements in all subjects.
The last day of school for all senior students is Friday 6th December.
The last day of school for all Year 8 to 10 students is Friday 13th December.
Updated WSC Uniform Policy
The following amendments to the WSC Uniform Policy were tabled and approved at the last School Council meeting:
- The summer dress, winter skirt and school shorts should be of acceptable length, just at the knee.
- Only clear nail polish is acceptable. Finger nails should be an acceptable length, in accordance with OHS requirements. False nails or nail attachments are not permitted.
These requirements will be implemented at the commencement of Headstart, 2nd December, 2019.
Please refer to the complete uniform policy that is attached below.
Awards Assembly and Graduation Night
Recognition of student achievements across Years 7-11 will take place at 12pm on Thursday, 21st November, at the WSC Awards Assembly in the Sports Centre.
The College Graduation Night will be held at 6:30pm on Thursday, 28th November, at Monash University, Clayton Campus. We look forward to acknowledging our highest performing students across the school, particularly those in Year 12, in academic as well as co-curricular areas.
We invite all families to join us in these celebrations.
Year 9 WSC student is Executive of VicSRC
After a long journey in leadership, I had the privilege to attend the 2018 Victorian Student Representative Council annual Congress as a representative of Westall Secondary College. Congress is a 3-day camp that occurs every year to discuss current issues in schools and basically present our ideas in front of stakeholders and the minister of education, James Merlino. To sum it up after attending congress, I chased every leadership opportunity that came my way. I joined the VicSRC ambassador’s program that brings together students from all around Victoria, to continue discussing issues and ways we can solve these issues as students. I also joined the VicSRC editorial team for the student voice hub, which is a online website forum that connects students to share and have access to resources. After a long journey of chasing opportunities, I nominated myself for a student Executive role at VicSRC. The role of an Executive is to lead the organisation and be the front image and voice for all Victorian students. The executives also take action on what the students of Victoria want and the priorities from congress. I am fortunate to have a supportive family, friends and school peers, who voted for me. I am now super grateful to officially announce that I am one of 15 to make it on the team for 2019-2020 executives. Last week, I had the privilege of attending the VicSRC student voice awards and was officially announced as an executive. I also got to meet the minister of education, James Merlino, who VicSRC will be working closely with. Very proud to say that I will be representing Westall Secondary College.
Muhammad Naufal Muhammad Juman
Year 9