Information and Communications Technology

Frog on a Smartphone

Frog does work fine on a Smart phone browser (without an App).

… and yes there is an App (called MyFrog) from the Apple Store for iOS and Play Store for Android. 

Some people prefer to use Frog on their Smartphone browser rather than the MyFrog App.

The App askes for School URL =

And then the normal KWS Frog UserID and password

Health effects of Wi-Fi EME (Electromagnetic Energy)

The EME emitted from Wi-Fi is far less than the EME generated by mobile phones.

Please check the link below for reassurance from ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency). 

“There is no established scientific evidence that the low exposure to RF EME from wi-fi adversely effects the health of children or the general population”

ARPANSA – 26 Apr 17 5 Wi-fi and health


Darryn Marjoram

Director of Information Services