Mission & Catholic Identity News

Give me some presence

During the recent break, I re-read a favourite book of mine by Denis McLaughlin called The Price of Freedom. It speaks much about the concept of presence and Edmund Rice, founder of the Christian Brothers who would stand at the entrance to Mt Sion, Waterford in Ireland, his first school, and each morning greet each student by name as they walked through the gates and shake their hand. It made me a touch sad, thinking that in our present COVID-19 environment, Edmund would not shake hands and would have to maintain social distancing!

A message that I drew from this book, which I have read a number of times, is that people who give us their undivided attention most vividly manifest presence. Presence transcends gestures and words. But even as it has become more important, being present has become more difficult, thanks to the ubiquity and power of the always on technologies we use, both to do our work and to manage our personal lives. What then became a goal of my break was to be more present to my three children and teacher wife, all on holidays and under the same roof! It was a challenge and something I am now trying to maintain – to be more present. 

The ROCKS of St. Peter’s College

During the latter part of Term 2 we had a student competition across both campuses, to design a ROCKS poster and ROCKS jingle. ROCKS is our new Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour Support framework inspired by our Petrine charism. Called ROCKS from St. Peter being called the rock on which Jesus built his Church (Mt 16:18). 

Respect - how to be respectful.

Organisation - how to be organised.

Collaboration - how to be collaborative.

Kindness - how to be kind.

Safety - how to be safe.


The St. Peter’s College, School Wide Approach to Positive Behaviour reflects our school community's shared expectations in relation to student positive behaviour. The new framework sets out clear processes to be followed in order to support the positive behaviour of our students in the classroom, in the yard, in the community and online.

Our community exemplifies the gospel values of love, forgiveness, justice and truth. We recognise that everyone has the right to be respected, to feel safe and be safe and, in turn, our school community acknowledges each member's own obligation to behave positively. 

We had 460 students and 94 staff vote on the poster and jingle.

And the poster winner was Isabella Duiker from Clyde North (Glowrey House). 

Isabella will now work with Mr. Calen Robinson (WSAPBS team member/Technology Teaching & Learning Coach) on the printing of the final product.

The winner of the jingle was decided to be joint winners with Chabel Karaan (Cranbourne, Avila House) and Jason Chan (Cranbourne, Marian House). The joint winners will now work with Ms. Laura Appleby (Music Teacher) on the final product.

Vinnies Winter Appeal

The unprecedented health and economic crisis caused by COVID-19 is impacting the lives of many people, many who were already struggling to make ends meet. No one can predict the long-term impacts of this pandemic, but one thing we know for certain – the need for winter gear is greater than ever before.

Therefore, our Social Justice Captains (Cranbourne & Clyde North) have commenced a Vinnies Winter Appeal. This year it was decided that we focus on collecting: jackets, rugs and sleeping bags.

Please donate the above items at collection points that have been set up on each campus by Mia and Shruti.

Upcoming Events

1. Our Term 3 Charity is St Vincent de Paul. Keep an eye on various events and activities that will be organised by our Social Justice Captains to support Vinnies. 

2. Breakfast Club will be re-opening on both campuses in Week 2 of Term 3. Email mwilliams@stpeters.vic.edu.au if you would like to donate items to our Breakfast Club. 



Joshua 1:9: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.



Matthew Williams

Deputy Principal - Mission & Catholic Identity