Technology News

A Reflections on learning in practical subjects during remote schooling

The Technology faculty consists of a variety of practical subjects that provide student with many learning opportunities that encourage them to think outside the box.


Remote Learning has been challenging but has enabled both teachers and students opportunities to think outside the box and do things differently. Students have had to develop time management skills and self-regulate their work load whilst engage in independent learning. Building on pre-existing knowledge, students have explored their own creativity and have made learning ‘real’ and interesting for themselves.


For example, Year 8 Food students completed a home pantry investigation task where they were required to identify various categories of food, find out where they are manufactured, how far the food travelled and what the implications might be for the environment and food sustainability. 


Year 9 Further Food students worked to a food presentation design brief to complete a practical food plating presentation task using what they could find in the pantry at home. This extended into food photography so they could share their work. There were different interpretations of the brief resulting in some impressive creations.

Tanaka - Egg Challenge
Cadence - Chocolate Self-Saucing Pudding
Bonny Cortese - Plating Challenge
Aidan - Sweet Challenge
Tanaka - Egg Challenge
Cadence - Chocolate Self-Saucing Pudding
Bonny Cortese - Plating Challenge
Aidan - Sweet Challenge


Year 9 Fast Fashion students completed a range of self-directed learning activities that included analysis of patterns in fabric such as whether a pattern has been woven into the fabric or printed onto the fabric after it is woven. They also engaged in cutting out a pattern and laying it out on fabric in preparation for the construction phase when they return to face to face teaching.

Angel Thomas - Basket Weave
Shorts Pattern layout Multi-directional print
Two-way design fabric
Angel Thomas - Basket Weave
Shorts Pattern layout Multi-directional print
Two-way design fabric


Ms A. Marschner

Textiles and Food Technology Teacher - Cranbourne Campus