Wellbeing Update

'At St Anthony’s we strive to provide safe classroom communities that provide students with a sense of safety, affirmation and belonging, alongside opportunities to explore faith and social / emotional skills.'

Dear parents/guardians, 


I have included some useful tips on the benefits of keeping active during the remote learning period. I encourage everyone to keep active during this time as it helps with stress levels and gives us a break from the computer screen. You don't need to leave the house to keep active! e.g star jumps and jogging on the spot are great small achievable activities 

Have a lovely weekend. 


James Gow

Source: www.healthykids.nsw.gov.au



As we prepare for a return to remote learning, St Anthony’s is aware that returning to this routine may be challenging for some students and trigger anxiety.  The following resources may be helpful:


Smiling Mind Digital Care Packs for families

Parents and carers be kind to yourself - Berry Street

Tips from education experts to parents for remote learning (ABC online)

Raising Children Network - COVID 19 Parenting Guide

10 Tips to keep your child learning - information sheet for parents (Catholic

schools parents NSW

Home-supported learning

Learning from home advice in your language


Should you be concerned about your child’s wellbeing during this transition we encourage you to contact your child’s teacher and discuss your concerns. This will allow the school to establish plans to support and monitor your child’s learning and wellbeing requirements and check in with them more frequently. The wellbeing team is always there to support our families. The Community Hubs leaders are also here to support our families. Lisa and Deb are available from Monday-Friday by appointment.


Please look after yourselves . You are so important to your children right now.