Alfred Street Early Learning

'At the heart of this facility is the belief that each child is a competent learner from birth. The kindergarten’s team of nurturing and experienced educators deliver high quality and inclusive three and four-year-old kindergarten programs that help each child realise their potential'.



We have started this term with much fewer children but we still ensure that the children who come to kindergarten have a fun and stimulating day.


We also continue to ensure that the children and staff remain safe and healthy. One new procedure is that when staff greet each child at the door they are wearing a face mask. Initially this was quite confronting to the children so we have been explaining to the children why this is necessary.


We have downloaded a useful social story which explains about the necessity of wearing masks – the children enjoyed the story and were very keen to contribute to the conversation. Now with their parents also required to wear masks, the children are use to it. Once inside with the children, staff are not required to cover our faces.

With our smaller numbers Green and Blue group have been combined into the one room. It has been great to see the children playing together and learning from each other – our Green group friends have been extremely helpful to the younger children. Playing with younger children offers older kids the chance to act as leaders, to play teacher, and to develop creativity, empathy and kindness. This has certainly been demonstrated in all the amazing building work that has been going on – with both donated boxes and our wooden blocks. Towers have been built…and have tumbled down, Tall apartment buildings have been created…along with lots of chatter and discussion.

After some very cold starts to the day we have been extremely fortunate to be able to go outside into the late morning sunshine. We have been visiting the community garden regularly. The children love to explore this area and thrive in this wide-open space. They enjoy picking grass to feed to the chickens and they love playing hide and seek. There are always flowers to pick and sticks to collect. This is also a favourite place for a story.

With the widening of restrictions due to Covid 19 our numbers will once more be reduced. We have and will continue to provide distance learning ideas to our families and are encouraging our families to continue to communicate with us through zoom and Storypark.

Stay Safe

Alfred Street Teaching Team