e-Learning News

Cyber Safety Lesson for Home! 

Earn your Cyber Safe Certificate each week! 

Children are growing up in a digital age, exposing them to all the wonders and dangers that the internet brings. More so now than ever! 

Get your own Cyber Safe Certificate now!
Get your own Cyber Safe Certificate now!

It’s important to educate children about online safety: content, scams, and the people who inhabit it. To help support this from home, each week we will be providing a short and simple lesson designed to target some of the uncomfortable truths about working online and to help start the dialogue that can be hard to begin. 


The best part about it is that you can earn yourself a certificate


Today's lesson is an adaptation of the Cyber Safety Forever lessons. 

Target age - Grade 2-6 (10-12 minutes)


Step 1: Watch 

There is a video below. Watch it and pause at each of the "pause points" and have a discussion to answer to prompt each time. 

Step 2: Get on the Hot Seat! 


This can be done in one of two ways. You might choose to have an open discussion, for those who want to act it out, you can pretend to be a different character from the video. You will be asked each of these questions. Think carefully and answer honestly.  


Hot Seat Questions


Step 3: Evaluate

As a family, can you complete the Share/Post/Delete Activity below?


Step 4: Celebrate

Well done! You have finished the short Cyber Safe Forever course! Feel free to print off your certificate (or Mr Lane can do this for you!). 


If you wish to be part of next week's newsletter, send a photo of you and your family with your newly earned certificate to Mr Lane!



The Techsperts! 

Celebrating the first two weeks back! 

We have been looking through the archives for the amazing achievements of students over the past few weeks. This will be a space where some students are celebrated for the Tech Skills! 


This week we have been filming, family activities, and video games being created from levels right across the school!