Student Well-being

Spotlight: Year 5/6 Community

Focus: Character Strengths 


As part of our Wellbeing unit this term, the Year 5/6 Community has been focusing on Character Strengths. This has been a very relevant topic, as we find ourselves undertaking our remote learning program once again. 


“Character Strengths are traits that a person displays, they are qualities that make you WHO YOU ARE! ” 


Each wellbeing session students have looked at identifying strengths and how they help us deal with everyday situations. After applying their knowledge of what character strengths are, students focused their attention on identifying their own character strengths and the character strengths of their peers. Expanding on this idea, the Year 5/6 Wellbeing focus will take a look at positive versus negative self talk and ways we can approach challenging situations with more of a ‘can do’ attitude! 


2pm Check Ins 

Now more than ever, it has been so important to be checking in with our students. By increasing the number of class 'check-ins’ across the week we have seen students using this time to engage with their peers and share common questions and concerns that surround their online learning program. It has also been an opportunity to have all sorts of fun! 


For our 2pm check-ins some of the activities have included: 

  • Online Bingo
  • Community Joke Off
  • Miss P’s Mind Reading Session
  • Big Question of the day
  • Bring your pet to School
  • Charades
  • Pictionary
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Class Quiz

Levi: I like the 2:00 meets because you get to see your classmates and have a good time playing games, brainstorming, answering fun questions and being able to listen and understand the teacher in real time. I like the meets because you can talk and have a good time with people rather than just being glued to the computer screen. 


Hasini: The 2:00 pm class check-ins is a marvelous way to expand the knowledge of technology for children as well as socialise online. This is also a great way to change many of a student's day into a positive one just by seeing their classmates, friends and their teachers.


Armani: I really like doing the 2 o’clock meets because it's a time where we can see our class and play really fun games with them. I wish we could go back to school of course to see everyone but I can't, so the 2 o'clock check in really makes me laugh and it's lots of fun. It's not just about seeing our friends on the 2 o’clock check in, it's about getting to know other people in your class. It is really funny when we see inside other people's personality because it can really make you laugh.

Both the students and teachers in the Year 5/6 Community have been highly engaged during these sessions and have found them very beneficial for the wellbeing of ALL involved!

Character Strengths
Character Strengths

Managing COVID-19 Anxiety

If you’re feeling anxious or worried during this time, you’re not alone. Even if you are not typically an anxious person, it’s common to feel some anxiety during periods of change or uncertainty. Here are some practical ways that you can keep feelings of anxiety at bay if you are starting to feel overwhelmed.

1. Channel your anxious energy into action: get informed, plan, and prepare

We often feel anxious when events feel out of our control, and when we think we don’t have the capacity, skills or ability to cope. Anxiety tricks us into thinking about the worst-case scenarios in vivid and frightening detail.


Instead of worrying, try your best to focus on what’s under your control. Equip yourself with the facts about COVID-19 from trusted sources. Follow government advice and make a plan about what you and your family will do if you need to be in isolation or quarantine.

2. Limit or avoid unhelpful media and misinformation

Being exposed to constant, alarming, anxiety-inducing stories convinces us that there is something to panic about and further perpetuates myths, rumours, misinformation, uncertainty and anxiety. The more we read and hear about it, the more frightening it becomes, and the less chance we have to distract ourselves and do things that can take our minds off it.


Although it might be tempting to keep informed, or difficult to escape, limiting your exposure to media, news, and social media about COVID-19 will help quell the panic.

3. Cut down or stop the behaviours that are fueling your anxiety

There are certain actions, when performed frequently, that can fuel anxiety about health, and germ-phobia. Focusing too much on bodily symptoms and relying on “Dr Google”, can consume one with anxious thoughts and panic.

Being aware of these behaviours, understanding how they’re making you feel, and replacing them with more helpful coping strategies can alleviate disproportionate feelings of anxiety.

4. Stay focused on the here and now, taking each day step by step

Try to focus on the here and now - not the past and not the future. Live in the moment and take one day at a time.

5. Be aware of negative thoughts and don’t give them too much power

Just because we’re thinking something, doesn’t always mean it’s true. When you notice yourself worrying a lot, take a step back, and try to let worries pass by without focusing on them too much.

6. Look after your body

Get enough sleep, exercise, eat well and avoid having too many adult drinks. This will help protect your mental health and immune system.

7. Stay connected with others

It can make a huge difference when we share our worries with others, and connect with other people who are supportive. Try to stay connected to supportive people in your life so you feel less isolated and lonely. You might need to try new ways of connecting that you haven’t before.

8. Help other people, be kind, and compassionate

When we help other people, it can also make us feel better. We are all in this together so let’s try our best to be kind and compassionate to each other.

9. Take a breath

When you feel overwhelmed take a few slow, deep breaths to help you calm down. If there are other things that help you relax (e.g., a walk, cleaning, baking or listening to music) try these too.

10. If you’re feeling like you’re not coping, get professional advice

It’s okay to ask for help. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by anxiety, seek professional support. Psychological therapies can be done online, or remotely via phone or video conferencing, and are an excellent option if you’re in self-isolation, or worried about going to a clinic.

Stay safe!

Haylea Anderson

Student Wellbeing Leader