Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing

Mr Greg Van Es 


Welcome back to school for Term 3, the Pastoral Wellbeing Committee have been looking at a number of things that impact our students.


House Leaders, Learning Mentors and teachers continue to teach both on site and remotely with a key focus being on student engagement and wellbeing and connectedness during this period of lockdown. We have again sent out Student Surveys to get feedback on class length, teaching strategies, difficulties at home regarding internet and devices as well as checking on their wellbeing. The responses from the survey are used to inform our teaching.


Students completed an Online Learning & eSafety module during last weeks pastoral period to ensure we were using technology in a way that was academically challenging but also respectful of teachers and students.


During the COVID19 Remote Learning period our online behaviour must be as respectful as if we were at school interacting with our peers, friends and staff. Below is a reminder of what our school represents and the high expectations we have of you as a member of our community. Your teacher will go through some basic rules we expect of you during online learning. 





They are:

✔    Be READY to learn

✔    Be RESPECTFUL at all times

✔    REQUEST for guidance if you are confused about what is being asked of you 

✔    REQUEST for guidance if you see continued disrespectful online behaviours


With the 2020 Student Leaders and the members of the Pastoral Wellbeing Committee we have started to discuss the options for a more balanced Student Representative Council that looks to give a stronger Student Voice to more students from all year levels. This allows us to also look at more leadership training opportunities for students at all year levels and across different formats. This also allows for a better level of involvement of students in House and College decision making and gives them more ownership of Pastoral period activities and key College activities. More students will be involved in the discussion as we move through the term.


We are finalising our Beanie Survey with a recommendation going to the Board this week on which design to include in our college uniform. Again, we have included students and staff in the decision-making process so that members of our community are consulted on key matters. By including a beanie in the College uniform, we can ensure consistency in head wear and ensure all students represent the College in the best way.