3/4CS News

3/4CS have been reading and writing poems this term.  One of the poems we read was 'The Magic Box,' by Kit Wright.  Here are three poems written by students in the grade.


The Magic Box Bosco 

I will put in my box

a big yellow lightning falling from the sky,

fire flame from burning trees,

the shiniest star from the galaxy.


I will put in my box

a fat cat with ginger stripes,

a ball-like pig who chases the cat,

a dinosaur who rides a bike like a clown.


I will put in my box

the first present I received when I was little,

a story book written by my grandpa,

a gold nugget found in Ballarat.


My box is made from ruby and gold and rock,

with jade on the lid and music from the piano.

Its hinges are the pieces from Lego.


I shall fly in the box,

to the big white cloud,

soft like marshmallow. 







The Magic BoxKimi 

I will put in my box


 A fluffy hair from a navy-blue kitten

The hug from a newborn puppy

The hair in my mouth when I pat my cat

The sound of the trees swaying around in the breeze


I will put in my box


The taste of water swishing around in my mouth

The sound of the clock ticking

The air on my skin when walking in the park

The taste on my tongue when I eat a strawberry


I will put into my box


The sound when I cut purple paper with scissors

The taste of a pink croissant

The sound of an elephants stomping feet

The taste of apple juice on a summer’s day


I will put in my box


The sound of bumping beans jumping around

The speed of a motorcycle as fast as it can go

The scratchy feel of a sea snakes back

The bump on a turtles shell


My box is fashioned from Sparkles from the moon 

And diamonds in the corners. 

If you touch my box it will feel like you are being hugged from the most loving person on earth. 

My box has wings that are 1 metre long and a comfy seat.


The Universe Box - Taneale


I will put in the box

The snore of four cute little puppies sleeping and dreaming,

I will put in the box 

The splash of two bouncing basketballs in the middle of a game on a wet day,

I will put in the box 

The strength of six jumping kangaroos on a hill of wet grass.

My box is made from blue wood, glitter of the galaxy and chocolate swirls that curl around beautiful white pearls.

I will fly in my box

To the stars and collect chocolate chips from the moon and then I’ll play all day in the lights of the universe