Inquiry learning

This term we're learning all about food!

Foundation students began exploring food through literature with Eric Carle’s ' La chenille qui fait des trous.’ They created their own hungry caterpillar from pieces of fresh fruits.

Students have asked some very interesting questions about food including:

  • Why do we have to eat healthy food?
  • Why can't we play with our food?
  • Why doesn't watermelon have bad sugar?
  • Why do some apples have worms?


Year 1/ 2- Students collaborated in small groups to research “Farm to Plate’ using iPads and QR code links to George the Farmer clips  They recorded their findings of interest using a ' think, wonder, see' tool. Students have been categorising food into food groups in French and writing about their experiences with food using the five senses. All Year 1/2s planted into the food garden to learn about growing our own food. They discussed and shared their thoughts on the benefits of growing our own food.


Year 3s- have been making fantastic links to maths and food creating different combinations of toppings connected to their learning on fractions. 

Year 4s - have been investigating local cuisines in the Fitzroy and Collingwood area.

Year 5/6 - have been learning about Fair Trade food products and responded to a Fair-Trade case study in Pakistan using empathy maps. The students showed deep empathy for others in their discussions. They have been investigating animals affected by the production of foods which contain palm oil products which they will research further at the  Melbourne Zoo.